Albert Sorribas Tello
Grau: Doctor/a
973 702 018
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-2181-2009
Pozo, Carlos; Guillen-Gosalbez, Gonzalo; Sorribas, Albert; Jimenez, Laureano
Outer approximation-based algorithm for biotechnology studies in systems biology
Computers & Chemical Engineering 34 1719-1730. .
Sorribas, Albert; Pozo, Carlos; Vilaprinyo, Ester; Guillen-Gosalbez, Gonzalo; Jimenez, Laureano; Alves, Rui
Optimization and evolution in metabolic pathways: global optimization techniques in Generalized Mass Action models.
Journal Of Biotechnology 149 141-153. .
Vilaprinyo, Ester; Alves, Rui; Sorribas, Albert
Minimization of biosynthetic costs in adaptive gene expression responses of yeast to environmental changes.
Plos Computational Biology 6 -. .
Guillen-Gosalbez, Gonzalo; Sorribas, Albert
Identifying quantitative operation principles in metabolic pathways: a systematic method for searching feasible enzyme activity patterns leading to cellular adaptive responses.
Bmc Bioinformatics 10 386-386. .
Alves, Rui; Vilaprinyo, Ester; Sorribas, Albert; Herrero, Enrique
Evolution based on domain combinations: the case of glutaredoxins.
Alves, Rui; Vilaprinyo, Ester; Sorribas, Albert
Integrating bioinformatics and computational biology: Perspectives and possibilities for in silico network reconstruction in molecular systems biology
CURR BIOINFORM 3 98-129. .
Alves R; Vilaprinyo E; Hernádez-Bermejo B; Sorribas A
Mathematical formalisms based on approximated kinetic representations for modeling genetic and metabolic pathways.
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews 25 1-40. .
Sorribas, Albert; Hernandez-Bermejo, Benito; Vilaprinyo, Ester; Alves, Rui
Cooperativity and saturation in biochemical networks: a saturable formalism using Taylor series approximations.
BIOTECHNOL BIOENG 97 1259-1277. .
Trujillano, Javier; Muino, Jose M.; March, Jaume; Sorribas, Albert
A more flexible parametric estimation of univariate reference intervals: a new method based on the GS-distribution.
Alves, Rui; Sorribas, Albert
In silico pathway reconstruction: Iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Muino, JM; Voit, EO; SORRIBAS, A
GS-distributions: a new family of distributions for continuous unimodal variables
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50 2769-2798. .
Vilaprinyo, Ester; Alves, Rui; Sorribas, Albert
Use of physiological constraints to identify quantitative design principles for gene expression in yeast adaptation to heat shock.
Bmc Bioinformatics 7 184-184. .
- INVESTIGO 2022: Biologia de sistemes i mètodes estadístics per a la recerca
- Development of a simulation environment as a tool to support the design of studies and clinical trials.
- Anàlisi de les diferències en la despesa farmacèutica i en la utilització de fàrmacs en la població immigrant i autòctona de la ciutat de Lleida