Directori de persones
Albert Sorribas Tello

Albert Sorribas Tello

Grau: Doctor/a

973 702 018



  • Alves, R; Herrero, E; SORRIBAS, A

    Predictive reconstruction of the mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly metabolism. II. Role of glutaredoxin Grx5.

    PROTEINS 57 481-492. .


  • Alves, R; Herrero, E; SORRIBAS, A

    Predictive reconstruction of the mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly metabolism: I. The role of the protein pair ferredoxin-ferredoxin reductase (Yah1-Arh1).

    PROTEINS 56 354-366. .


  • Trujillano, J; March, J; SORRIBAS, A

    Methodological approach to the use of artificial neural networks for predicting results in medicine

    MEDICINA CLINICA 122 59-67. .


  • Cobo, E; Cobos, A; SORRIBAS, A

    Statistical matters of interest to authors and readers - Introduction

    MEDICINA CLINICA 122 1-2. .


  • March, J; Trujillano, J; Tor, M; SORRIBAS, A

    Estimating conditional distributions using a method based on S-distributions reference percentile curves for body mass index in Spanish children.

    Growth Development And Aging 67 59-72. .

  • SORRIBAS, A; March, J; Trujillano, J

    A new parametric method based on S-distributions for computing receiver operating characteristic curves for continuous diagnostic tests.

    STATISTICS IN MEDICINE 21 1213-1235. .


  • Hernandez-Bermejo, B; SORRIBAS, A

    Analytical quantile solution for the S-distribution, random number generation and statistical data modeling

    BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL 43 1007-1025. .


  • Hernandez-Bermejo, B; Fairen, V; SORRIBAS, A

    Power-law modeling based on least-squares criteria: consequences for system analysis and simulation.



  • de Atauri, P; SORRIBAS, A; Cascante, M

    Analysis and prediction of the effect of uncertain boundary values in modeling a metabolic pathway.

    BIOTECHNOL BIOENG 68 18-30. .


  • SORRIBAS, A; March, J; Voit, EO

    Estimating age-related trends in cross-sectional studies using S-distributions.

    STATISTICS IN MEDICINE 19 697-713. .


  • Voit, EO; SORRIBAS, A

    Computer modeling of dynamically changing distributions of random variables

    MATH COMPUT MODEL 31 217-225. .


  • Rodriguez-Manzaneque, MT; Ros, J; Cabiscol, E; SORRIBAS, A; Herrero, E

    Grx5 glutaredoxin plays a central role in protection against protein oxidative damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.



  • INVESTIGO 2022: Biologia de sistemes i mètodes estadístics per a la recerca
  • Development of a simulation environment as a tool to support the design of studies and clinical trials.
  • Anàlisi de les diferències en la despesa farmacèutica i en la utilització de fàrmacs en la població immigrant i autòctona de la ciutat de Lleida