Directori de persones
Albert Sorribas Tello

Albert Sorribas Tello

Grau: Doctor/a

973 702 018



  • Pozo, C.; Miró, A.; Guillén-Gosálbez, G.; Sorribas, A.; Alves, R.; Jiménez, L.

    Gobal optimization of hybrid kinetic/FBA models via outer-approximation

    Computers & Chemical Engineering 72 325-333. .


  • Bai C; Rivera SM; Medina V; Alves R; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas A; Canela R; Capell T; Sandmann G; Christou P; Zhu C

    An in vitro system for the rapid functional characterization of genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation

    PLANT JOURNAL 77 464-475. .


  • Guillen-Gosalbez, Gonzalo; Miro, Antoni; Alves, Rui; Sorribas, Albert; Jimenez, Laureano

    Identification of regulatory structure and kinetic parameters of biochemical networks via mixed-integer dynamic optimization



  • Farré G; Maiam Rivera S; Alves R; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas A; Canela R; Naqvi S; Sandmann G; Capell T; Zhu C; Christou P

    Targeted transcriptomic and metabolic profiling reveals temporal bottlenecks in the maize carotenoid pathway that may be addressed by multigene engineering

    PLANT JOURNAL 75 441-455. .


  • Pozo, Carlos; Guillen-Gosalbez, Gonzalo; Sorribas, Albert; Jimenez, Laureano

    Identifying the Preferred Subset of Enzymatic Profiles in Nonlinear Kinetic Metabolic Models via Multiobjective Global Optimization and Pareto Filters

    PLOS ONE 7 -. .


  • Salvado, Baldiri; Vilaprinyo, Ester; Karathia, Hiren; Sorribas, Albert; Alves, Rui

    Two Component Systems: Physiological Effect of a Third Component

    PLOS ONE 7 -. .


  • Pozo, Carlos; Marin-Sanguino, Alberto; Alves, Rui; Guillen-Gosalbez, Gonzalo; Jimenez, Laureano; Sorribas, Albert

    Steady-state global optimization of metabolic non-linear dynamic models through recasting into power-law canonical models.

    BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 5 137-137. .


  • Pozo, C.; Guillen-Gosalbez, G.; Sorribas, A.; Jimenez, L.

    A Spatial Branch-and-Bound Framework for the Global Optimization of Kinetic Models of Metabolic Networks

    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 50 5225-5238. .


  • Salvado, Baldiri; Karathia, Hiren; Usie Chimenos, Anabel; Vilaprinyo, Ester; Omholt, Stig; Sorribas, Albert; Alves, Rui

    Methods for and results from the study of design principles in molecular systems.



  • Alves, Rui; Sorribas, Albert

    Special issue on biological design principles.



  • Alves, R.; Vilaprinyo, E.; Sorribas, A.

    Teaching systems biology.

    IET SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 5 131-136. .


  • Karathia, Hiren; Vilaprinyo, Ester; Sorribas, Albert; Alves, Rui

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism: a comparative study.

    PLOS ONE 6 -. .



  • INVESTIGO 2022: Biologia de sistemes i mètodes estadístics per a la recerca
  • Development of a simulation environment as a tool to support the design of studies and clinical trials.
  • Anàlisi de les diferències en la despesa farmacèutica i en la utilització de fàrmacs en la població immigrant i autòctona de la ciutat de Lleida