Directori de persones
Albert Sorribas Tello

Albert Sorribas Tello

Grau: Doctor/a

973 702 018



  • Lucido, A; Basallo, O; Marin-Sanguino, A; Eleiwa, A; Martinez, ES; Vilaprinyo, E; SORRIBAS, A; Alves, R

    Multiscale Mathematical Modeling in Systems Biology: A Framework to Boost Plant Synthetic Biology

    Plants-Basel 14 -. .


  • Basallo, O; Lucido, A; SORRIBAS, A; Marin-Sanguino, A; Vilaprinyo, E; Martinez, E; Eleiwa, A; Alves, R

    Modeling the effect of daytime duration on the biosynthesis of terpenoid precursors

    Frontiers in Plant Science 15 1465030-1465030. .


  • Eleiwa, A; Nadal, J; Vilaprinyo, E; Marin-Sanguino, A; SORRIBAS, A; Basallo, O; Lucido, A; Richart, C; Pena, RN; Ros-Freixedes, R; Usie, A; Alves, R

    Hybrid assembly and comparative genomics unveil insights into the evolution and biology of the red-legged partridge

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 19531-19531. .


  • Lucido A; Andrade F; Basallo O; Eleiwa A; Marin-Sanguino A; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas A; Alves r

    Modeling the effects of strigolactone levels on maize root system architecture.

    Frontiers in Plant Science 14 1329556-1329556. .


  • Basallo O; Perez L; Lucido A; Sorribas A; Marin-Saguino A; Vilaprinyo E; Perez-Fons L; Albacete A; Martínez-Andújar C; Fraser PD; Christou P; Capell T; Alves r

    Changing biosynthesis of terpenoid percursors in rice through synthetic biology.

    Frontiers in Plant Science 14 1133299-1133299. .


  • Lucido, A; Basallo, O; Sorribas, A; Marin-Sanguino, A; Vilaprinyo, E; Alves r

    A mathematical model for strigolactone biosynthesis in plants.

    Frontiers in Plant Science 13 979162-979162. .


  • Alves r; Salvadó B; Milo R; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas A

    Maximization of information transmission influences selection of native phosphorelay architectures.

    PeerJ 9 -. .


  • Pereira, T; Muguruza, J; Maria, V; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas, A; Fernandez, E; Fernandez-Armenteros, JM; Baena, JA; Rius, F; Betriu, A; Solsona, F; Alves, R


    Ultrasound In Medicine And Biology 44 2780-2792. .


  • Pereira, T; Vilaprinyo, E; Belli, G; Herrero, E; Salvado, B; Sorribas, A; Altes, G; Alves, R

    Quantitative Operating Principles of Yeast Metabolism during Adaptation to Heat Stress

    Cell Reports 22 2421-2430. .


  • Comas, J; Benfeitas, R; Vilaprinyo, E; Sorribas, A; Solsona, F; Farre, G; Berman, J; Zorrilla, U; Capell, T; Sandmann, G; Zhu, CF; Christou, P; Alves, R

    Identification of line-specific strategies for improving carotenoid production in synthetic maize through data-driven mathematical modeling

    PLANT JOURNAL 87 455-471. .


  • Alves, R; Pinol, M; Vilaplana, J; Teixido, I; Cruz, J; Comas, J; Vilaprinyo, E; Sorribas, A; Solsona, F

    Computer-assisted initial diagnosis of rare diseases

    PeerJ 4 -. .


  • Salvado, B; Vilaprinyo, E; Sorribas, A; Alves, R

    A survey of HK, HPt, and RR domains and their organization in two-component systems and phosphorelay proteins of organisms with fully sequenced genomes

    PeerJ 3 -. .



  • INVESTIGO 2022: Biologia de sistemes i mètodes estadístics per a la recerca
  • Development of a simulation environment as a tool to support the design of studies and clinical trials.
  • Anàlisi de les diferències en la despesa farmacèutica i en la utilització de fàrmacs en la població immigrant i autòctona de la ciutat de Lleida