Recerca > Malalties cròniques, Cirurgia i Cures en Salut

Grup de Recerca de cures de salut (GReCS)

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  • Alcubierre, N; Martinez-Alonso, M; Valls, J; Rubinat, E; Traveset, A; Hernandez, M; Martinez-Gonzalez, MD; Granado-Casas, M; Jurjo, C; Vioque, J; Navarrete-Munoz, EM; Mauricio, D

    Relationship of the adherence to the Mediterranean diet with health-related quality of life and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a post-hoc analysis of a cross-sectional study



  • Gea-Sanchez, M; Teres-Vidal, L; Briones-Vozmediano, E; Molina, F; Gastaldo, D; Otero-Garcia, L

    Conflicts between nursing ethics and health care legislation in Spain

    GACETA SANITARIA 30 178-183. .


  • Alzuria Alós RM; Torres Puig-Gros J

    Role of health professionals of sexual health and reproduction clinics in the influenza vaccination in pregnant women

    ATENCION PRIMARIA 48 338-339. .


  • Canal-Sotelo J; Arraras-Torrelles N; Gonzalez-Rubio R; Lopez-Ribes J; Barallat-Gimeno E; Trujillano-Cabello J; Fainsinger R; Nekolaichuck C

    Translation and validation of the Quick Users Guide of the Edmonton Classification System for Cancer Pain into Catalan and Spanish

    JOURNAL OF PAIN 17 25-25. .


  • Canal-Sotelo J; Arraras-Torrelles N; Lopez-Ribes J; Barallat-Gimeno E; Gasol-Cudós A; Gonzalez-Rubio R

    Non-adherence to strong opioids regime in an advanced cancer population with pain: pharmacological pitfalls, or not

    JOURNAL OF PAIN 17 6-7. .


  • Parola, Vitor; Coelho, Adriana; Cardoso, Daniela; Gea-Sanchez, Montserrat; Blanco-Blanco, Joan; Apostolo, Joao

    The prevalence of burnout in health professionals working in palliative care: a systematic review protocol.

    Jbi Database Of Systematic Reviews And Implementation Reports 14 45-50. .


  • Rubinat E; Marsal JR; Vidal T; Cebrian C; Falguera M; Vilanova MB; Betriu À; Fernández E; Franch J; Mauricio D

    Subclinical Carotid Atherosclerosis in Asymptomatic Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing 31 1-7. .


  • Coelho, Adriana; Parola, Vitor; Cardoso, Daniela; Escobar, Miguel; Apostolo, Joao

    The use of non-pharmacological interventions for the comfort of patients in palliative care: a scoping review protocol.

    Jbi Database Of Systematic Reviews And Implementation Reports 14 64-77. .


  • Julio M.P.M.; Santamaría A.L.; Giménez P.J.; Orrio C.N.; Satorra T.B.; Soler L.M.

    Estudio de fragilidad en adultos mayores. Diseño metodológico

    Gerokomos 27 8-12. .

  • Berenguera, A; Molló-Inesta À; Mata-Cases, M; Franch-Nadal, J; Bolibar, B; Rubinat, E; Mauricio, D

    Understanding the physical, social, and emotional experiences of people with uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study

    Patient Preference And Adherence 10 2323-2332. .


  • Traveset, A; Rubinat, E; Ortega, E; Alcubierre, N; Vazquez, B; Hernandez, M; Jurjo, C; Espinet, R; Ezpeleta, JA; Mauricio, D

    Lower Hemoglobin Concentration Is Associated with Retinal Ischemia and the Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes

    JOURNAL OF DIABETES RESEARCH 2016 3674946-3674946. .


  • Torradeflot, M.C.T.; Gutiérrez Vilaplana, J.M.; Hospital, L.C.; Guilanyà, M.B.

    Resultado de la intervención Enseñanza: Dieta prescrita en la consulta de enfermedad renal crónica avanzada

    Revista De La Sociedad Espanola De Enfermeria Nefrologica 19 12-19. .