Recerca > Malalties cròniques, Cirurgia i Cures en Salut

Grup de Recerca de cures de salut (GReCS)

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  • Arumí-Trujillo, C; Verdejo-Amengual, FJ; Martínez-Navarro, O; Vink, JJT; Valenzuela-Pascual, F

    The effectiveness of non-invasive brain stimulation in enhancing lower extremity function in children with spastic cerebral palsy: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Methodsx 14 -. .


  • van Selm, L; Pérez-Urdiales, I; ubeda-Pavia, M; Tomás-Mateos, J; Jiménez-Lasserrotte, MD; Pastor-Bravo, MD; Requena-Méndez, A; Briones-Vozmediano, E

    Migrant Farmworkers' Acceptability of Health Services in Spain: Barriers and Facilitators Identified by Professionals



  • Tbeda, M; Villa-Cordero, V; González-Rodríguez, A; Andrés-Cabello, S; Perez-Urdiales, I; Jiménez-Lasserrotte, MdM; Pastor-Bravo, M; Briones-Vozmediano, E

    Lessons learned from cross-sectoral collaboration to protect migrant farmworkers during COVID-19 in Spain

    PLOS ONE 20 -. .


  • Trapero-Bertran, M; Puig-Junoy, J; Alegre-del-Rey, EJ; Clopés, A; Lobo, F; Ortega, A

    Reform of economic evaluation of medicines in Spain: proposals from the Advisory Committee for Pharmaceutical Financing



  • Rodríguez-Guerrero, LA; Mateos, JT; Pérez-Urdiales, I; Jiménez-Lasserrotte, M; González, JA; Briones-Vozmediano, E

    Challenges faced by migrant seasonal agricultural farmworkers for food accessibility in Spain: A qualitative study

    Global Public Health 19 2352570-2352570. .


  • Valenzuela-Pascual, F; Verdejo-Amengual, FJ; Martinez-Navarro, O; Blanco-Blanco, J; El Arab, RA; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E; Masbernat-Almenara, M; Rubí-Carnacea, F; Martí, BM; Barbé, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M

    Sequential exploratory mixed-method research of an eHealth intervention on blood pressure, sleep quality and physical activity in obstructive sleep apnoea: rationale and methodology of the Moore4Medical trial protocol

    BMJ Open Respiratory Research 11 -. .


  • Fernandez-Camins, B; Vlacho, B; Canudas, A; Ortega, M; Granado-Casas, M; Perera-LLuna, A; Boluda-Sanson, A; El-Khattabi-Ofkir, Y; Franch-Nadal, J; Mauricio, D

    Characterisation of type 2 diabetes subgroups at diagnosis: the COPERNICAN prospective observational cohort study protocol

    Bmj Open 14 -. .


  • Bravo, C; Hernández-García, D; Trinidad-Fernández, M; Badia, G; Solé, S; Serrano, J

    Movement Awareness Therapies in Eating Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Nursing & Health Sciences 26 -. .


  • Antentas, M; Rojo-López, MI; Vendrell, P; Granado-Casas, M; Genua, I; Fernandez-Camins, B; Rossell, J; Niño-Narvión, J; Moreira, E; Castelblanco, E; Ortega, E; Vlacho, B; Alonso, N; Mauricio, D; Julve, J

    Impact of Dietary Niacin on Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease in Mediterranean Subjects: A Population-Based Study

    Nutrients 16 -. .


  • Courel-Ibáñez, J; Prieto-Moreno, R; Briones-Vozmediano, E; Ariza-Vega, P; Angevare, S; Anton, J; Bini, I; Clemente, D; Correia, M; Costello, W; De Cock, D; Domján, A; Leon, L; Marques, A; Minden, K; Mourao, AF; Najm, A; Ozen, S; Pimentel, G; Saleem, Z; Vetrovsky, T; Wulffraat, NM; Crovato, AZ; Prior, Y; Carmona, L; Estévez-López, F

    EULAR points to consider for patient education in physical activity and self-management of pain during transitional care



  • Rojo-López, MI; Bermúdez-López, M; Castro, E; Farràs, C; Torres, G; Pamplona, R; Lecube, A; Valdivieso, JM; Fernández, E; Julve, J; Castelblanco, E; Alonso, N; Antentas, M; Barranco-Altirriba, M; Perera-Lluna, A; Franch-Nadal, J; Granado-Casas, M; Mauricio, D

    Mediterranean Diet Is a Predictor of Progression of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in a Mediterranean Population: The ILERVAS Prospective Cohort Study

    Nutrients 16 -. .


  • Albornos-Muñoz, L; Blanco-Blanco, J; Cidoncha-Moreno, MA; Abad-Corpa, E; Rivera-Alvarez, A; López-Pisa, RM; Caperos, JM; Moreno-Casbas, MT

    Efficacy of the Otago-Exercise-Programme to reduce falls in community-dwelling adults aged 65-80 when delivered as group or individual training: Non-inferiority-clinical-trial

    BMC NURSING 23 705-705. .
