Directorio de personas
Sara Salvany Montserrat

Sara Salvany Montserrat

Grado: Doctor/a

973 702415


  • Freixa-Cruz, A; Jimenez-Jimenez, G; Mauri-Capdevila, G; Gallego-Sánchez, Y; García-Díaz, A; Mitjana-Penella, R; Paul-Arias, M; Pereira-Priego, C; Ruiz-Fernández, E; Salvany-Montserrat, S; Sancho-Saldaña, A; San-Pedro-Murillo, E; Saureu, E; Vázquez-Justes, D; Purroy, F

    Prehospital scale to differentiate intracerebral hemorrhage from large-vessel occlusion patients: a prospective cohort study

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 15 2905-2905. .


  • Hernández, S; Salvany, S; CASANOVAS, A; PIEDRAFITA, L; Soto-Bernardini, MC; Tarabal, O; Blasco, A; Gras, S; Gatius, A; Schwab, MH; Calderó, J; ESQUERDA, JE

    Persistent NRG1 Type III Overexpression in Spinal Motor Neurons Has No Therapeutic Effect on ALS-Related Pathology in SOD1G93A Mice

    NEUROTHERAPEUTICS 20 1820-1834. .


  • Salvany, S; Casanovas, A; Piedrafita, L; Gras, S; Caldero, J; Esquerda, JE

    Accumulation of misfolded SOD1 outlines distinct patterns of motor neuron pathology and death during disease progression in a SOD1(G93A) mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.



  • Gras, S; Blasco, A; Modol-Caballero, G; Tarabal, O; CASANOVAS, A; PIEDRAFITA, L; Barranco, A; Das, T; Salvany, S; Gatius, A; Pereira, SL; Navarro, X; Rueda, R; ESQUERDA, JE; CALDERO, J

    Motoneuron deafferentation and neuroinflammation in association with aging in the spinal cord of C57BL/6J mice.

    Glia 69 474-475. .

  • Salvany, S; CASANOVAS, A; PIEDRAFITA, L; Gras, S; Blasco, A; Gatius, A; Tarabal, O; Hernandez, S; CALDERO, J; ESQUERDA, JE

    Necroptosis and microglial phagocytosis of extracellular vesicles as an early mechanisms involved in the disruption of afferent synaptic terminals on spinal cord motor neurons after acute peripheral nerve injury

    Glia 69 317-318. .

  • Salvany S; Casanovas A; Piedrafita L; Tarabal O; Hernández S; Calderó J; Esquerda JE

    Microglial recruitment and mechanisms involved in the disruption of afferent synaptic terminals on spinal cord motor neurons after acute peripheral nerve injury.

    Glia 69 1216-1240. .


  • Gatius, A; Tarabal, O; Cayuela, P; Casanovas, A; Piedrafita, L; Salvany, S; Hernandez, S; Soler, RM; Esquerda, JE; Caldero, J

    The Y172 Monoclonal Antibody Against p-c-Jun (Ser63) Is a Marker of the Postsynaptic Compartment of C-Type Cholinergic Afferent Synapses on Motoneurons



  • Salvany, S; Casanovas, A; Tarabal, O; Piedrafita, L; Hernandez, S; Santafe, M; Soto-Bernardini, MC; Caldero, J; Schwab, MH; Esquerda, JE

    Localization and dynamic changes of neuregulin-1 at C-type synaptic boutons in association with motor neuron injury and repair

    FASEB JOURNAL 33 7833-7851. .


  • Casanovas, A; Salvany, S; Lahoz, V; Tarabal, O; Piedrafita, L; Sabater, R; Hernandez, S; Caldero, J; Esquerda, JE

    Neuregulin 1-ErbB module in C-bouton synapses on somatic motor neurons: molecular compartmentation and response to peripheral nerve injury

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 40155-40155. .



  • Ayudas Juan de la Cierva
  • Determinación del tiempo de inicio del ictus isquémico y el tejido recuperable mediante la firma ómica: OMIC IS BRAIN
  • Preclinical Analisis of new combinatorial treatments for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA): Effects on motorneuron survival, synaptic integrity, and skeletal muscle preservation.
  • Promoció de la Recerca en Salut 2020
  • Percondicionamiento isquémico remoto en pacientes con ictus isquémico agudo en Catalunya (REMOTE-CAT) y modelo experimental de Per y Postcondicionamiento isquémico remotos