Santamaria-Martos, F; Benitez, I; Pinilla, L; Ortega, F; Zapater, A; Giron, C; Minguez, O; Gomez, S; Vaca, R; Fernandez-Real, JM; Barbe, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M
MicroRNA Profile of Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Respiration 99 1-7. .
Zapater, A; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Benitez, ID; Targa, A; Bertran, S; Torres, G; Aldoma, A; De Batlle, J; Abad, J; Duran-Cantolla, J; Cabriada-Nuno, V; Mediano, O; Masdeu, MJ; Muñoz C; Masa, JF; De la Peña M; Mayos, M; Coloma, R; Montserrat, JM; Chiner, E; Minguez, O; Pascual, L; Cortijo, A; Martinez, D; Dalmases, M; McEvoy, RD; Barbe, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, A; Spanish Sleep Network
The Effect of Sleep Apnea on Cardiovascular Events in Different Acute Coronary Syndrome Phenotypes.
Dakterzada F; Targa A; Benítez ID; Romero-ElKhayat L; de Gonzalo-Calvo D; Torres G; Moncusí-Moix A; Huerto R; Sánchez-de-la-Torre M; Barbé F; Piñol-Ripoll G
Identification and validation of endogenous control miRNAs in plasma samples for normalization of qPCR data for Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimers Research & Therapy 12 163-163. .
Jorge C; Targa A; Benítez ID; Dakterzada F; Torres G; Minguez O; Carnes A; Pujol M; Gibert A; López R; Gaeta AM; Dalmases M; Farré R; Sánchez-de-la-Torre M; Barbé F; Piñol-Ripoll G
Obstructive sleep apnoea and cognitive decline in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease.
Targa, A; Dakterzada, F; Benitez, ID; de Gonzalo-Calvo, D; Moncusi-Moix, A; Lopez, R; Pujol, M; Arias, A; de Batlle, J; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Barbe, F; Piñol-Ripoll G
Circulating MicroRNA Profile Associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Alzheimer's Disease.
Masa JF; Benítez I; Sánchez-Quiroga MÁ; Gomez de Terreros FJ; Corral J; Romero A; Caballero-Eraso C; Alonso-Álvarez ML; Ordax-Carbajo E; Gomez-Garcia T; González M; López-Martín S; Marin JM; Martí S; Díaz-Cambriles T; Chiner E; Egea C; Barca J; Vázquez-Polo FJ; Negrín MA; Martel-Escobar M; Barbé F; Mokhlesi B; Spanish Sleep Network; Riesco JA; González-Mangado N; Troncoso MF; Martinez-Martinez MA; Ojeda-Castillejo E; López-Padilla D; Carrizo SJ; Gallego B; Pallero M; Romero O; Ramón MA; Arias E; Muñoz-Méndez J; Senent C; Sancho-Chust JN; Navarro-Soriano NB; Barrot E; Benítez JM; Sanchez-Gómez J; Golpe R; Gómez-Mendieta MA; Gomez S; Bengoa M
Long-term Noninvasive Ventilation in Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome without Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Chest 158 1176-1186. .
Lara, B; Carnes, A; Dakterzada, F; Benitez, I; Piñol-Ripoll G
Neuropsychiatric symptoms and quality of life in Spanish patients with Alzheimer's disease during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Pinol-Ripoll, G; Targa, A; Benitez, I; Dakterzada, F; Lopez, R; Barbe, F
Decrease in sleep depth is associated with higher cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light levels in Alzheimer's disease patients
Pinol-Ripoll, G; Targa, A; Dakterzada, F; Benitez, I; Carnes, A; Barbe, F
Obstructive sleep apnea and evolution of Alzheimer's disease patients
Masa, JF; Mokhlesi, B; Benitez, I; Gómez de Terreros Caro FJ; Sanchez-Quiroga, MA; Romero, A; Caballero, C; Alonso-Alvarez, ML; Ordax-Carbajo, E; Gomez-Garcia, T; Gonzalez, M; Lopez-Martin, S; Marin, JM; Marti, S; Diaz-Cambriles, T; Chiner, E; Egea, C; Barca, J; Vazquez-Polo, FJ; Negrin, MA; Martel-Escobar, M; Barbe, F; Corral-Penafiel, J; Spanish Sleep Network
Cost-effectiveness of positive airway pressure modalities in obesity hypoventilation syndrome with severe obstructive sleep apnoea.
Thorax 75 459-467. .
Santamaria-Martos, F; Benitez, ID; Latorre, J; Lluch, A; Moreno-Navarrete, JM; Sabater, M; Ricart, W; Sanchez de la Torre, Manuel; Mora, S; Fernandez-Real, JM; Ortega, FJ
Comparative and functional analysis of plasma membrane-derived extracellular vesicles from obese vs. nonobese women
CLINICAL NUTRITION 39 1067-1076. .
Gaeta, AM; Benítez ID; Jorge, C; Torres, G; Dakterzada, F; Minguez, O; Huerto, R; Pujol, M; Carnes, A; Dalmases, M; Gibert, A; Farr?, R; de la Torres, MS; Barb?, F; Pi?ol-Ripoll, G
Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in Alzheimer's disease patients
JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 267 1012-1022. .
- Towards the Understanding and Diagnosis of the Persistent Pulmonary Sequelae in the Critically Ill Patient:Introducing the Endotype Concept (e-postcritical project)
- Deciphering the Pulmonary Sequelae in the POSTCOVID patient: Introducing the Endotype Concept.
- Análisis de Endotipos Pulmonares en Pacientes Post-COVID: Un Es-tudio Integral
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- Normotensive Patients with Sleep Apnea: Differential Impact of CPAP Treatment According to the Circadian Blood Pressure Pattern. A Randomized Controlled Trial. The MOISES study.
- Caracterización de los mecanismos del daño vascular inducido por la apnea del sueño en la hipertensión nocturna y posibles dianas terapéuticas. Estudio HYPERSLEEP.
- Contrato Miguel Servet - Proyecto
- Clinical Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Patients with Resistant Hypertension: SARAH Study
- Medicina de precisión en pacientes con apnea del sueño y síndrome coronario agudo: Modelo predictivo de respuesta al tratamiento
- Personalización del cribado del cáncer de mama: Evaluación de su viabilidad y aceptabilidad en el Sistema Nacional de Salud