Jorge Soler Gonzalez
Grado: Doctor/a
Rubi-Carnacea, F; Masbernat-Almenara, M; Climent-Sanz, C; Soler-Gonzalez, J; Garcia-Escudero, M; Martiinez-Navarro, O; Valenzuela-Pascual, F
Effectiveness of an exercise intervention based on preactivation of the abdominal transverse muscle in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain in primary care: a randomized control trial
Bmc Primary Care 24 180-180. .
Yuguero O; Rius N; Soler-González J; Esquerda M
Increase of burnout among emergency department professionals due to emotional exhaustion during the SARS-Cov2 pandemic: Evolution from 2016 to 2021.
Medicine 101 31887-31887. .
Climent-Sanz, C; Valenzuela-Pascual, F; Martinez-Navarro, O; Blanco-Blanco, J; Rubi-Carnacea, F; Garcia-Martinez, E; Soler-Gonzalez, J; Barallat-Gimeno, E; Gea-Sanchez, M
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) in patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Disability And Rehabilitation 44 1-14. .
Valenzuela-Pascual, F; Garcia-Martinez, E; Molina-Luque, F; Soler-Gonzalez, J; Blanco-Blanco, J; Rubi-Carnacea, F; Climent-Sanz, C; Briones-Vozmediano, E
Patients' and primary healthcare professionals' perceptions regarding chronic low back pain and its management in Spain: a qualitative study
Disability And Rehabilitation 43 1-10. .
Guilera T.; Batalla I.; Soler-González J.
Shadowing patients: Experiencing empathy in medical students
Educacion Medica 21 112-117. .
Yuguero O; Marsal JR; Esquerda M; Galvan L; Soler-González J
Cross-sectional study of the association between empathy and burnout and drug prescribing quality in primary care.
Primary Health Care Research and Development 20 145-. .
Yuguero, O; Esquerda, M; Viñas J; Soler-Gonzalez, J; Pifarre, J
Ethics and empathy: The relationship between moral reasoning, ethical sensitivity and empathy in medical students
Garcia-Martinez, E; Soler-Gonzalez, J; Rubi-Carnacea, F; Garcia-Martinez, B; Climent-Sanz, C; Blanco-Blanco, J; Valenzuela-Pascual, F
The influence of an educational internet-based intervention in the beliefs and attitudes of primary care professionals on non-specific chronic low back pain: study protocol of a mixed methods approach
BMC Family Practice 20 31-31. .
Guilera, T; Batalla, I; Forne, C; Soler-Gonzalez, J
Empathy and big five personality model in medical students and its relationship to gender and specialty preference: a cross-sectional study
Yuguero, O; Melnick, ER; Marsal, JR; Esquerda, M; Soler-Gonzalez, J
Cross-sectional study of the association between healthcare professionals' empathy and burnout and the number of annual primary care visits per patient under their care in Spain
Bmj Open 8 -. .
Guilera T.; Batalla I.; Soler-González J.
Empathy and specialty preference in medical students. Follow-up study and feedback
Educacion Medica 19 153-161. .
Yuguero, O; Marsal, JR; Buti, M; Esquerda, M; Soler-Gonzalez, J
Descriptive study of association between quality of care and empathy and burnout in primary care
- Anàlisi de les diferències en la despesa farmacèutica i en la utilització de fàrmacs en la població immigrant i autòctona de la ciutat de Lleida