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Marcelino Bermudez Lopez

Marcelino Bermudez Lopez

Grado: Doctor/a




  • Valdivielso JM; Betriu A; Martinez-Alonso M; Arroyo D; Bermudez-Lopez M; Fernandez E

    Factors predicting cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease patients. Role of subclinical atheromatosis extent assessed by vascular ultrasound

    PLOS ONE 12 -. .


  • Bermudez-Lopez, M; Arroyo, D; Betriu À; Masana, L; Fernandez, E; Valdivielso, JM

    New perspectives on CKD-induced dyslipidemia

    Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Targets 21 967-976. .


  • Bermudez-Lopez, M; Villoria, MT; Esteras, M; Jarmuz, A; Torres-Rosell, J; Clemente-Blanco, A; Aragon, L

    Sgs1's roles in DNA end resection, HJ dissolution, and crossover suppression require a two-step SUMO regulation dependent on Smc5/6

    GENES & DEVELOPMENT 30 1339-1356. .


  • Bermúdez-López M; Pociño-Merino I; Sánchez H; Bueno A; Guasch C; Almedawar S; Bru-Virgili S; Garí E; Wyman C; Reverter D; Colomina N; Torres-Rosell J

    ATPase-Dependent Control of the Mms21 SUMO Ligase during DNA Repair

    Plos Biology 13 -. .


  • Almedawar, Seba; Colomina, Neus; Bermudez-Lopez, Marcelino; Pocino-Merino, Irene; Torres-Rosell, Jordi

    A SUMO-Dependent Step during Establishment of Sister Chromatid Cohesion

    CURRENT BIOLOGY 22 1576-1581. .


  • Bermudez-Lopez, Marcelino; Ceschia, Audrey; de Piccoli, Giacomo; Colomina, Neus; Pasero, Philippe; Aragon, Luis; Torres-Rosell, Jordi

    The Smc5/6 complex is required for dissolution of DNA-mediated sister chromatid linkages.

    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 38 6502-6512. .



  • Calprotectin as a new companion biomarker and associated drug target for premature vascular aging in chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes
  • ANGEL: A machine learning algorithm to predict atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
  • Development of dynamic models for the personalized prevention and treatment of age-related diseases
  • Impacto del Manejo de los Trastornos Respiratorios Durante el Sueño en el control de la hipertensión sistémica: Proyecto METASLEEP
  • Influence of SARS-COV-2 infection in atherosclerosis development. “El BUS DE LA SALUT” study
  • Papel de PTEN en la reabsorcion tubular renal de proteinas. Implicaciones en nefropatias proteinuricas
  • Projecte d'Investigació ILERVAS - 2022
  • Ayudas Juan de la Cierva - Incorporación 2018
  • Projecte d'investigació ILERVAS -2020 Diputació
  • Caracterización de un perfil lipidomico y lipídico de riesgo aterogénico y de morbimortalidad cardiovascular en la enfermedad renal crónica (estadios 3 a 5) (estudio prospectivo NEFRONA)