Jose Felipe Sarro Sobrin
Grado: Licenciado/a
Dòria M; Betriu À; Belart M; Rosado V; Hernández M; Sarro F; real j; Castelblanco E; Pacheco LR; Fernández E; Franch-Nadal J; Gratacòs M; Mauricio D
High Incidence of Adverse Outcomes in Haemodialysis Patients with Diabetes with or without Diabetic Foot Syndrome: A 5-Year Observational Study in Lleida, Spain.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 -. .
Carmona, A; Agura, ML; Luna-Ruiz, C; Buendia, P; Calleros, L; Garcia-Jerez, A; Rodriguez-Puyol, M; Arias, M; Arias-Guillen, M; de Arriba, G; Ballarin, J; Bernis, C; Fernandez, E; Garcia-Rebello, S; Mancha, J; del Peso, G; Perez, E; Poch, E; Portoles, JM; Rodriguez-Puyol, D; Synchez-Villanueva, R; Sarro, F; Torres, A; Martin-Malo, A; Aljama, P; Ramirez, R; Carracedo, J
Markers of endothelial damage in patients with chronic kidney disease (vol 312, pg F673, 2017)
Carmona, A; Aguera, ML; Luna-Ruiz, C; Buendia, P; Calleros, L; Garcia-Jerez, A; Rodriguez-Puyol, M; Arias, M; Arias-Guillen, M; de Arriba, G; Ballarin, J; Bernis, C; Fernandez, E; Garcia-Rebollo, S; Mancha, J; del Peso, G; Perez, E; Poch, E; Portoles, JM; Rodriguez-Puyol, D; Sanchez-Villanueva, R; Sarro, F; Torres, A; Martin-Malo, A; Aljama, P; Ramirez, R; Carracedo, J
Markers of endothelial damage in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis
Ruiz-Tovar, J.; Giner, L.; Sarro-Sobrin, F.; Alsina, M.E.; Marco, M.P.; Craver, L.
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Prevents the Deterioration of Renal Function in Morbidly Obese Patients Over 40 Years
OBESITY SURGERY 25 796-799. .
Chacon, A; Vilar, A; Arroyo, D; Sarro, F; Craver, L; Ros, S; Lopez, C; Castillo, A; Matias-Guiu, X; Fernandez-Giraldez, E
Acute kidney failure secondary to very severe hypercalcaemia from primary hyperparathyroidism
Nefrologia 35 224-226. .
Craver L; Dusso A; Martinez-Alonso M; Sarro F; Valdivielso JM; Fernández E
A low fractional excretion of Phosphate/Fgf23 ratio is associated with severe abdominal Aortic calcification in stage 3 and 4 kidney disease patients
BMC NEPHROLOGY 14 221-221. .
Borras, Merce; Panizo, Sara; Sarro, Felipe; Valdivielso, Jose M.; Fernandez, Elvira
Assessment of the Potential Role of Active Vitamin D Treatment in Telomere Length: A Case-Control Study in Hemodialysis Patients
Herrero-Calvo, Jose A.; Gonzalez-Parra, Emilio; Perez-Garcia, Rafael; Tornero-Molina, Fernando; Grp de Estudio Espanol Sobre
Spanish study of anticoagulation in haemodialysis
Nefrologia 32 143-152. .
Coll, Blai; Betriu, Angels; Martinez-Alonso, Montserrat; Borras, Merce; Craver, Lourdes; Luisa Amoedo, Maria; Marco, MaPaz; Sarro, Felipe; Junyent, Mireia; Manuel Valdivielso, Jose; Fernandez, Elvira
Cardiovascular risk factors underestimate atherosclerotic burden in chronic kidney disease: usefulness of non-invasive tests in cardiovascular assessment.
Junyent, Mireia; Martinez, Montserrat; Borras, Merce; Coll, Blai; Valdivielso, Jose Manuel; Vidal, Teresa; Sarro, Felipe; Roig, Jordi; Craver, Lourdes; Fernandez, Elvira
Predicting cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in chronic kidney disease in Spain. The rationale and design of NEFRONA: a prospective, multicenter, observational cohort study.
BMC NEPHROLOGY 11 14-14. .
Junyent, M.; Martinez, M.; Borras, M.; Betriu, A.; Coll, B.; Craver, L.; Marco, M. P.; Sarro, F.; Valdivielso, J. M.; Fernandez, E.
Usefulness of imaging techniques and novel biomarkers in the prediction of cardiovascular risk in patients with chronic kidney disease in Spain: The NEFRONa project
Nefrologia 30 119-126. .
Junyent M; Martínez M; Borrás M; Bertriu A; Coll B; Craver L; Marco MP; Sarró F; Valdivielso JM; Fernández E
Utilidad de las técnicas de imagen y biomarcadores en la predicción del riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en España: Proyecto NEFRONA.
Nefrologia 30 119-126. .
- Estudio de los Vasa Vasorum de las arterias carótidas mediante ecografía con contraste (VaSaC)