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  • Dosil, MA; Mirantes, C; Eritja, N; Felip, I; Navaridas, R; Gatius, S; Santacana, M; Colàs E; Moiola, C; Schoenenberger, JA; Encinas, M; Gari, E; Matias-Guiu, X; Dolcet, X

    Palbociclib has antitumour effects on Pten-deficient endometrial neoplasias

    JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 242 152-164. .


  • Ortiz-Brugues, A; Marti-Laborda, RM; Azon-Masoliver, A; Vilardell-Vilellas, F; Casanova-Seuma, JM

    Lymphoproliferative CD30-positive disorder in a patient with a folliculotropic mycosis fungoides

    Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 15 577-579. .


  • Gil, FN; Belli, G; Viegas, CA

    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae response to stress caused by the herbicidal active substance alachlor requires the iron regulon transcription factor Aft1p

    Environmental Microbiology 19 485-499. .


  • Colomina, N; Guasch, C; Torres-Rosell, J

    Analysis of SUMOylation in the RENT Complex by Fusion to a SUMO-Specific Protease Domain

    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 1505 97-117. .


  • Bozic, M; Guzman, C; Benet, M; Sanchez-Campos, S; Garcia-Monzon, C; Gari, E; Gatius, S; Valdivielso, JM; Jover, R

    Hepatocyte vitamin D receptor regulates lipid metabolism and mediates experimental diet-induced steatosis

    JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 65 748-757. .


  • Bermudez-Lopez, M; Villoria, MT; Esteras, M; Jarmuz, A; Torres-Rosell, J; Clemente-Blanco, A; Aragon, L

    Sgs1's roles in DNA end resection, HJ dissolution, and crossover suppression require a two-step SUMO regulation dependent on Smc5/6

    GENES & DEVELOPMENT 30 1339-1356. .


  • Fuste, NP; Fernandez-Hernandez, R; Cemeli, T; Mirantes, C; Pedraza, N; Rafel, M; Torres-Rosell, J; Colomina, N; Ferrezuelo, F; Dolcet, X; Gari, E

    Cytoplasmic cyclin D1 regulates cell invasion and metastasis through the phosphorylation of paxillin

    Nature Communications 7 11581-11581. .


  • Fuste, NP; Castelblanco, E; Felip, I; Santacana, M; Fernandez-Hernandez, R; Gatius, S; Pedraza, N; Pallares, J; Cemeli, T; Valls, J; Tarres, M; Ferrezuelo, F; Dolcet, X; Matias-Guiu, X; Gari, E

    Characterization of cytoplasmic cyclin D1 as a marker of invasiveness in cancer

    Oncotarget 7 26979-26991. .


  • Amaral, N; Vendrell, A; Funaya, C; Idrissi, FZ; Maier, M; Kumar, A; Neurohr, G; Colomina, N; Torres-Rosell, J; Geli, MI; Mendoza, M

    The Aurora-B-dependent NoCut checkpoint prevents damage of anaphase bridges after DNA replication stress

    NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 18 516-516. .


  • Casanova JM; Pujol RM; Ferrándiz C; Betlloch I; Bosch RJ; Fernández V; Martí RM; Requena L; Moreno JC; Alegre V; Vilata JJ; Vilar N; Jaén P; Bielsa I; Querol I; Azón T; Borrego L; Mascaró JM; Alsina M; Díaz RM; Suarez R; García-Bustinduy M; García-Patos V; Estrach T

    Core Content for Undergraduate Medical Education in Spain: Recommendations of the Instructors' Group of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV)



  • Castells-Roca, L; Pijuan, J; Ferrezuelo, F; Belli, G; Herrero, E

    Cth2 Protein Mediates Early Adaptation of Yeast Cells to Oxidative Stress Conditions

    PLOS ONE 11 -. .


  • García de la Fuente MR; Vilardell-Villellas F; Martí-Laborda RM; Casanova-Seuma JM

    Primary cutaneous small-to-medium-sized CD4+ T-cell lymphoma with a granulomatous component

