Investigación > Enfermedades crónicas, Cirugía y Cuidado de la Salud

Grupo de investigación traslacional vascular y renal

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  • Bozic M; Méndez-Barbero N; Gutiérrez-Muñoz C; Betriu A; Egido J; Fernández E; Martín-Ventura JL; Valdivielso JM; Blanco-Colio LM

    Combination of biomarkers of vascular calcification and sTWEAK to predict cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease

    Atherosclerosis 270 13-20. .


  • Carmona, A; Agura, ML; Luna-Ruiz, C; Buendia, P; Calleros, L; Garcia-Jerez, A; Rodriguez-Puyol, M; Arias, M; Arias-Guillen, M; de Arriba, G; Ballarin, J; Bernis, C; Fernandez, E; Garcia-Rebello, S; Mancha, J; del Peso, G; Perez, E; Poch, E; Portoles, JM; Rodriguez-Puyol, D; Synchez-Villanueva, R; Sarro, F; Torres, A; Martin-Malo, A; Aljama, P; Ramirez, R; Carracedo, J

    Markers of endothelial damage in patients with chronic kidney disease (vol 312, pg F673, 2017)



  • Rayego-Mateos, S; Rodrigues-Diez, R; Morgado-Pascual, JL; Valentijn, F; Valdivielso, JM; Goldschmeding, R; Ruiz-Ortega, M

    Role of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) and Its Ligands in Kidney Inflammation and Damage

    Mediators of Inflammation 2018 8739473-8739473. .


  • Rivera K; Marzo C; Sans N; Ferrero A; Aldomà A; Schoenenberger JA; Galván L; Worner F

    Consensus is Possible: Initiation and Exchange of Oral Anticoagulants in Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation, According to a Territorial Protocol in a Period of Time.

    European Cardiology 12 104-104. .


  • Borràs Sans M; Pérez-Fontán M; Martinez-Alonso M; Bajo A; Betriu À; Valdivielso JM; Fernández E

    The modality of dialysis does not influence atheromatous vascular disease progression or cardiovascular outcomes in dialysis patients without previous cardiovascular disease

    PLOS ONE 12 -. .


  • Abajo M; Betriu À; Arroyo D; Gracia M; Del Pino MD; Martínez I; Valdivielso JM; Fernández E

    Mineral metabolism factors predict accelerated progression of common carotid intima-media thickness in chronic kidney disease: the NEFRONA study



  • Valdivielso JM; Betriu A; Martinez-Alonso M; Arroyo D; Bermudez-Lopez M; Fernandez E

    Factors predicting cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease patients. Role of subclinical atheromatosis extent assessed by vascular ultrasound

    PLOS ONE 12 -. .


  • Granado-Casas, M; Martinez-Alonso, M; Alcubierre, N; Ramirez-Morros, A; Hernandez, M; Castelblanco, E; Torres-Puiggros, J; Mauricio, D

    Decreased quality of life and treatment satisfaction in patients with latent autoimmune diabetes of the adult

    PeerJ 5 -. .


  • Khan AUH; Allende-Vega, N; Gitenay, D; Gerbal-Chaloin, S; Gondeau, C; Vo, DN; Belkahla, S; Orecchioni, S; Talarico, G; Bertolini, F; Bozic, M; Valdivielso, JM; Bejjani, F; Jariel, I; Lopez-Mejia, IC; Fajas, L; Lecellier, CH; Hernandez, J; Daujat, M; Villalba, M

    The PDK1 Inhibitor Dichloroacetate Controls Cholesterol Homeostasis Through the ERK5/MEF2 Pathway

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 10654-10654. .


  • Lecube, A.; Sanchez, E.; Betriu, A.; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L.; Elias, M.; Barbe, F.; Purroy, F.; Buti, M.; Fernandez, E.; Lopez-Cano, C.

    Impaired pulmonary function in type 2 diabetes: Is there a role for advanced glycation end-products measured by skin autofluorescence?Data form the ILERVAS project

    Diabetologia 60 503-503. .

  • Bermudez-Lopez, M; Arroyo, D; Betriu À; Masana, L; Fernandez, E; Valdivielso, JM

    New perspectives on CKD-induced dyslipidemia

    Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Targets 21 967-976. .


  • Hernandez, M; Lopez, C; Real, J; Valls, J; Ortega-Martinez de Victoria E; Vazquez, F; Rubinat, E; Granado-Casas, M; Alonso, N; Moli, T; Betriu, A; Lecube, A; Fernandez, E; Leslie, RD; Mauricio, D

    Preclinical carotid atherosclerosis in patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), type 2 diabetes and classical type 1 diabetes

    Cardiovascular Diabetology 16 94-94. .
