Research > Neurosciences

Clinical neurosciences

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Publications search
  • Giles, M. F.; Albers, G. W.; Amarenco, P.; Arsava, E. M.; Asimos, A. W.; Ay, H.; Calvet, D.; Coutts, S. B.; Cucchiara, B. L.; Demchuk, A. M.; Johnston, S. C.; Kelly, P. J.; Kim, A. S.; Labreuche, J.; Lavallee, P. C.; Mas, J. -L.; Merwick, A.; Olivot, J. M.; Purroy, F.; Rosamond, W. D.; Sciolla, R.; Rothwell, P. M.

    Early stroke risk and ABCD2 score performance in tissue- vs time-defined TIA: a multicenter study.

    Neurology 77 1222-1228. .


  • Masjuan, J.; Alvarez-Sabin, J.; Arenillas, J.; Calleja, S.; Castillo, J.; Davalos, A.; Diez Tejedor, E.; Freijo, M.; Gil-Nunez, A.; Lopez Fernandez, J. C.; Maestre, J. F.; Martinez-Vila, E.; Morales, A.; Purroy, F.; Ramirez, J. M.; Segura, T.; Serena, J.; Tejada, J.; Tejero, C.

    Plan de asistencia sanitaria al ICTUS II. 2010.

    NEUROLOGIA 26 383-396. .


  • Gil Villar, M. P.; Garcia Arguedas, C.; Gonzalez Mingot, C.; Perez Lazaro, C.

    Association of peripheral facial nerve palsy and seropositivity of HTLV 1, a case report

    NEUROLOGIA 26 372-373. .


  • Abilleira, Sonia; Davalos, Antoni; Chamorro, Angel; Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Ribera, Aida; Gallofre, Miquel; Catalan Stroke Code Thrombolysis S

    Outcomes of Intravenous Thrombolysis After Dissemination of the Stroke Code and Designation of New Referral Hospitals in Catalonia The Catalan Stroke Code and Thrombolysis (Cat-SCT) Monitored Study

    STROKE 42 2001-2006. .


  • Bousser, Marie-Germaine; Amarenco, Pierre; Chamorro, Angel; Fisher, Marc; Ford, Ian; Fox, Kim M.; Hennerici, Michael G.; Mattle, Heinrich P.; Rothwell, Peter M.; de Cordouee, Agnes; Fratacci, Marie-Dominique; PERFORM Study Investigators

    Terutroban versus aspirin in patients with cerebral ischaemic events (PERFORM): a randomised, double-blind, parallel-group trial

    Lancet 377 2013-2022. .


  • Purroy, F.; Cruz Esteve, I.; Galindo Ortego, M. G.; Marsal Mora, J. R.; Oro, M.; Plana, A.

    Survey of the knowledge and management of transient ischemic attacks among primary care physicians and nurses.

    NEUROLOGIA 26 200-207. .


  • Javier Miana-Mena, Francisco; Gonzalez-Mingot, Cristina; Larrode, Pilar; Jesus Munoz, Maria; Olivan, Sara; Fuentes-Broto, Lorena; Martinez-Ballarin, Enrique; Reiter, Russel J.; Osta, Rosario; Jose Garcia, Joaquin

    Monitoring systemic oxidative stress in an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 258 762-769. .


  • Gonzalez Mingot, C.; Velazquez Benito, A.; Gil Villar, M. P.; Iniguez Martinez, C.

    Macropsia, micropsia, allesthesia and dyschromatopsia after occipital intraparenchymal haemorrhage

    NEUROLOGIA 26 188-189. .


  • Javier Miana-Mena, Francisco; Piedrafita, Eduardo; Gonzalez-Mingot, Cristina; Larrode, Pilar; Jesus Munoz, Maria; Martinez-Ballarin, Enrique; Reiter, Russel J.; Osta, Rosario; Garcia, Joaquin J.

    Levels of membrane fluidity in the spinal cord and the brain in an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis



  • Gonzalez Mingot, C.; Santos Lasaosa, S.; Garcia Arguedas, C.; Ballester Marco, L.; Mauri Llerda, J. A.

    Migralepsy; a controversial entity

    NEUROLOGIA 26 120-122. .


  • Arroyo, E.; Grau, C.; Ramo-Tello, C.; Parra, J.; Sanchez-Solino, O.; GAP Study Grp

    Adherence to disease-modifying therapies in spanish patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis: two-year interim results of the global adherence project.

    EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY 65 59-67. .


  • Purroy, F.; Begue, R.; Gil, M. I.; Quilez, A.; Sanahuja, J.; Brieva, L.; Pinol-Ripoll, G.

    Patterns of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging associated with etiology improve the accuracy of prognosis after transient ischaemic attack.

