Research > Neurosciences

Clinical neurosciences

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Publications search
  • del Río-Espínola A; Fernández-Cadenas I; Giralt D; Quiroga A; Gutiérrez-Agulló M; Quintana M; Fernández-Álvarez P; Domingues-Montanari S; Mendióroz M; Delgado P; Turck N; Ruíz A; Ribó M; Castellanos M; Obach V; Martínez S; Freijo MM; Jiménez-Conde J; Cuadrado-Godia E; Roquer J; Chacón P; Martí-Fábregas J; Sánchez JC; Montaner J

    A predictive clinical-genetic model of tissue plasminogen activator response in acute ischemic stroke

    ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY 72 716-729. .


  • McKinney, James S.; Masjuan, Jaime; Purroy, Francisco; Calvet, David; Ay, Hakan; Cucchiara, Brett L.

    Safety of Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke after Recent Transient Ischemic Attack



  • Davalos, Antoni; Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Castillo, Jose; Diez-Tejedor, Exuperio; Ferro, Jose; Martinez-Vila, Eduardo; Serena, Joaquin; Segura, Tomas; Cruz, Vitor T.; Masjuan, Jaime; Cobo, Erik; Secades, Julio J.; Int Citicoline Trial AcUte Stroke

    Citicoline in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke: an international, randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled study (ICTUS trial)

    Lancet 380 349-357. .


  • Fernandez, Oscar; Alvarez-Cermeno, Jose C.; Arroyo-Gonzalez, Rafael; Brieva, Lluis; Iles-Hernandez, M. Carmen Ca; Casanova-Estruch, Bonaventura; Comabella, Manuel; Heras, Virginia de las; Garcia-Merino, Juan A.; Hernandez-Perez, Miguel A.; Izguierdo, Guillermo; Meca-Lallana, Jose E.; Munoz-Garcia, Delicias; Olascoaga, Javier; Oreja-Guevara, Celia; Prieto, Jose M.; Ramio-Torrenta, Lluis; Rodriguez-Antiguedad, Alfredo; Romero-Pinel, Lucia; Sanchez, Fernando; Tellez, Nieves; Tintore, Mar; Montalban, Xavier; Post-Ectrims, G

    Review of the novelties presented at the 27th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) (II)

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 54 734-749. .

  • Falip, M.; Carreno, M.; Miro, J.; Saiz, A.; Villanueva, V.; Quilez, A.; Molins, A.; Barcelo, I.; Sierra, A.; Graus, F.

    Prevalence and immunological spectrum of temporal lobe epilepsy with glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies



  • Fernandez, Oscar; Alvarez-Cermeno, Jose C.; Arroyo-Gonzalez, Rafael; Brieva, Lluis; Carmen Calles-Hernandez, M.; Casanova-Estruch, Bonaventura; Comabella, Manuel; de las Heras, Virginia; Garcia-Merino, Juan A.; Hernandez-Perez, Miguel A.; Izguierdo, Guillermo; Meca-Lallana, Jose E.; Munoz-Garcia, Delicias; Olascoaga, Javier; Oreja-Guevara, Celia; Prieto, Jose M.; Ramio-Torrenta, Lluis; Rodriguez-Antigueedad, Alfredo; Romero-Pinel, Lucia; Sanchez, Fernando; Tellez, Nieves; Tintore, Mar; Montalban, Xavier; Grp Post-ECTRIMS

    Review of the novelties presented at the 27th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) (I)

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 54 677-691. .

  • Blanco, Miguel; Vivancos-Mora, Jose; Castillo, Jose; Investigadores Registro EPICES

    Compliance with the measures for preventing vascular risk factors in hospitalised patients with acute stroke. Analysis of a national multi-centre registry: EPICES register (III)

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 54 523-529. .

  • Blanco M; Vivancos-Mora J; Castillo J

    Cumplimiento de las medidas de prevención de factores de riesgo vascular en pacientes ingresados con ictus agudo. Análisis de un registro multicéntrico: registro EPICES (III).

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 54 523-529. .

  • Castillo J; Vivancos-Mora J

    Tiempos de llegada al hospital y hasta la atencion neurologica de pacientes con ictus agudo. Analisis de un registro multicentrico nacional: registro EPICES (II).

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 54 461-467. .

  • Arias-Rivas, Susana; Vivancos-Mora, Jose; Castillo, Jose; Investigadores Registro EPICES

    Epidemiology of the subtypes of stroke in hospitalised patients attended by neurologists: results of the EPICES registry (I)

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 54 385-393. .

  • Comi, Giancarlo; Jeffery, Douglas; Kappos, Ludwig; Montalban, Xavier; Boyko, Alexey; Rocca, Maria A.; Filippi, Massimo; ALLEGRO Study Grp

    Placebo-Controlled Trial of Oral Laquinimod for Multiple Sclerosis


  • Comi G; Jeffery D; Kappos L; Montalban X; Boyko A; Rocca MA; Filippi M; ALLEGRO Study Group

    Placebo-controlled trial of oral laquinimod for multiple sclerosis.

