Vascular and renal translational research group
- Number of publications
- 418
Egido J; Martínez-Castelao A; Bover J; Praga M; Torregrosa JV; Fernández-Giráldez E; Solozábal C
The pleiotropic effects of paricalcitol: Beyond bone-mineral metabolism
Nefrologia 36 10-18. .
Torradeflot, M.C.T.; Gutiérrez Vilaplana, J.M.; Hospital, L.C.; Guilanyà, M.B.
Resultado de la intervención Enseñanza: Dieta prescrita en la consulta de enfermedad renal crónica avanzada
Revista De La Sociedad Espanola De Enfermeria Nefrologica 19 12-19. .
Barrios C; Pascual J; Otero S; Soler MJ; Rodríguez E; Collado S; Faura A; Mojal S; Navarro-González JF; Betriu A; Fernandez E; Valdivielso JM; investigators of the NEFRONA study
Diabetic nephropathy is an independent factor associated to severe subclinical atheromatous disease
Atherosclerosis 242 37-44. .
Arroyo, D.; Panizo, N.; Abad, S.; Vega, A.; Rincón, A.; de José, A.P.; López-Gómez, J.M.
Impact of the Limitations in Fluid Overload Assessment by Bioimpedance Spectroscopy
Peritoneal Dialysis International 35 604-604. .
Bozic M; Álvarez Á; de Pablo C; Sanchez-Niño MD; Ortiz A; Dolcet X; Encinas M; Fernandez E; Valdivielso JM
Impaired Vitamin D Signaling in Endothelial Cell Leads to an Enhanced Leukocyte-Endothelium Interplay: Implications for Atherosclerosis Development
PLOS ONE 10 -. .
Rubinat E; Ortega E; Traveset A; Arcidiacono MV; Alonso N; Betriu A; Granado-Casas M; Hernández M; Soldevila J; Puig-Domingo M; Jurjo C; Fernández E; Mauricio D
Microangiopathy of common carotid vasa vasorum in type 1 diabetes mellitus
Atherosclerosis 241 334-338. .
Martin, M; Valls, J; Betriu, A; Fernandez, E; Valdivielso, JM
Association of serum phosphorus with subclinical atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease. Sex makes a difference
Atherosclerosis 241 264-270. .
Anguiano L; Riera M; Pascual J; Valdivielso JM; Barrios C; Betriu A; Mojal S; Fernández E; Soler MJ
Circulating angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activity in patients with chronic kidney disease without previous history of cardiovascular disease
Gracia, M; Valdivielso, JM; Betriu, A; Abajo, M; Arroyo, D; Fernandez, ED
Atherosclerosis 241 14-15. .
Ruiz-Tovar, J.; Giner, L.; Sarro-Sobrin, F.; Alsina, M.E.; Marco, M.P.; Craver, L.
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Prevents the Deterioration of Renal Function in Morbidly Obese Patients Over 40 Years
OBESITY SURGERY 25 796-799. .
Arcidiacono MV; Rubinat E; Borras M; Betriu A; Trujillano J; Vidal T; Mauricio D; Fernández E
Left carotid adventitial vasa vasorum signal correlates directly with age and with left carotid intima-media thickness in individuals without atheromatous risk factors
Cardiovascular Ultrasound 13 20-20. .
Quiroga B; Arroyo D; de Arriba G
Present and Future in the Treatment of Diabetic Kidney Disease
JOURNAL OF DIABETES RESEARCH 2015 801348-801348. .