Research > Chronic diseases, Surgery and Health Care

Vascular and renal translational research group

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Publications search
  • Fernández-Laso V; Sastre C; Valdivielso JM; Fernández E; Martín-Ventura JL; Egido J; Blanco-Colio LM

    Soluble TWEAK levels predict the presence of carotid atherosclerotic plaques in subjects free from clinical cardiovascular diseases

    Atherosclerosis 239 358-363. .


  • Alonso, N.; Traveset, A.; Rubinat, E.; Ortega, E.; Alcubierre, N.; Sanahuja, J.; Hernández, M.; Betriu, A.; Jurjo, C.; Fernández, E.; Mauricio, D.

    Type 2 diabetes-associated carotid plaque burden is increased in patients with retinopathy compared to those without retinopathy

    Cardiovascular Diabetology 14 -. .


  • Bozic M; Valdivielso JM

    The potential of targeting NMDA receptors outside the CNS

    Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Targets 19 399-413. .


  • Arcidiacono MV; Yang J; Fernandez E; Dusso A

    The induction of C/EBP beta contributes to vitamin D inhibition of ADAM17 expression and parathyroid hyperplasia in kidney disease



  • Arcidiacono MV; Yang J; Fernandez E; Dusso A

    Parathyroid-specific epidermal growth factor-receptor inactivation prevents uremia-induced parathyroid hyperplasia in mice



  • Morgado-Pascual, Jose L.; Rayego-Mateos, Sandra; Valdivielso, Jose M.; Ortiz, Alberto; Egido, Jesus; Ruiz-Ortega, Marta

    Paricalcitol Inhibits Aldosterone-Induced Proinflammatory Factors by Modulating Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Pathway in Cultured Tubular Epithelial Cells

    BioMed Research International -. .


  • Bover, J.; Egido, J.; Fernández-Giráldez, E.; Praga, M.; Solozábal-Campos, C.; Torregrosa, J.V.; Martínez-Castelao, A.

    Vitamin D, vitamin D receptor and the importance of its activation in patients with chronic kidney disease

    Nefrologia 35 28-41. .


  • Chacon, A; Vilar, A; Arroyo, D; Sarro, F; Craver, L; Ros, S; Lopez, C; Castillo, A; Matias-Guiu, X; Fernandez-Giraldez, E

    Acute kidney failure secondary to very severe hypercalcaemia from primary hyperparathyroidism

    Nefrologia 35 224-226. .

  • Martinez-Alonso, M; Dusso, A; Ariza, G; Nabal, M

    The effect on quality of life of vitamin D administration for advanced cancer treatment (VIDAFACT study): protocol of a randomised controlled trial

    Bmj Open 4 -. .


  • Martínez-Miguel P; Valdivielso JM; Medrano-Andrés D; Román-García P; Cano-Peñalver JL; Rodríguez-Puyol M; Rodríguez-Puyol D; López-Ongil S

    The active form of vitamin D, calcitriol, induces a complex dual upregulation of endothelin and nitric oxide in cultured endothelial cells



  • Arroyo, D.; Betriu, A.; Martinez-Alonso, M.; Vidal, T.; Valdivielso, J.M.; Fernández, E.

    Observational multicenter study to evaluate the prevalence and prognosis of subclinical atheromatosis in a Spanish chronic kidney disease cohort: baseline data from the NEFRONA study

    BMC NEPHROLOGY 15 168-168. .


  • Bozic, M; Panizo, S; Sevilla, MA; Riera, M; Soler, MJ; Pascual, J; Lopez, I; Freixenet, M; Fernandez, E; Valdivielso, JM

    High phosphate diet increases arterial blood pressure via a parathyroid hormone mediated increase of renin

    JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION 32 1822-1832. .
