The IRBLleida offers the IV Day of Update in Research to teachers of secondary education of the area of sciences
The day will be held on May 15
With the aim of updating knowledge on the methodology, techniques and processes most common in the field of research, the Institute of Biomedical Research of Lleida (IRBLleida) offers a day of training update for secondary school teachers in the area of science. The training will last 6 hours and will be held in the Teaching Unit of the University of Lleida (UdL), located next to the University Hospital Arnau de Vilanova de Lleida (HUAV).
The researcher of the Oncogenic and Development Signaling Group and Professor of Cell Biology at UdL Joan Ribera is the coordinator of this fourth edition of the Conference, which also presents and publicizes IRBLleida's research lines and its support services for the investigation.
The day has the following sessions: "Modeling cancer: from cell cultures to model organisms" by the principal investigator of the Oncology Pathology Research Group, Xavier Dolcet Roca; "Vascular and renal translational research" by the head of the Vascular and Renal Translational Research Group, Jose Manuel Valdivielso Revilla; "Cancer that writes its name on the skin with its own ink" by the lead researcher of the Oncology Pathology Research Group, Rosa Maria Marti Laborda, and "What do we know about the genetic basis of common diseases?" of the Principal Investigator of the Complex Disease Genetics Research Group, Joan Fibla Palazon.