Ferreteria Albert Soler, a collaborating company with the IRBLleida since 2007
The company has collaborated with the IRBLleida for more than 10 years
The Ferreteria Albert Soler has renewed one more year its collaboration to promote biomedical research of the Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida (IRBLleida). Since 2007, this company has collaborated with IRBLleida to promote, develop, manage and disseminate biomedical research in Lleida.
Ferreteria Albert Soler gives name to an industrial and commercial complex integrated by 10 warehouses of exhibition and storage of products. Due to its long professional experience, the name SOLER is and has been centenary in the market of the metallurgical sector. Nowadays and since 30 years ago ALBERT SOLER S.A. is putting to the supply of the consumers (wholesalers, retailers and public in general) more than 50.000 reference products, destined to cover with great solvency the necessities that a market in continuous evolution poses to us.