Success of the Biological Risk Management Course in the use of human samples for research and diagnosis with more than 100 attendees
Organized jointly by the Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida, the University of Lleida and the Catalan Society of Biology, with the collaboration of the University Hospital Arnau de Vilanova
More than 100 people attended on the 14th and 15th of February the first course of Biological Risk Management in the use of human samples for research and diagnosis aimed at professionals of Medical, Biological, Biomedical / Biosanitary and Health Sciences of the University from Lleida (UdL), the Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida (IRBLleida) and professionals from the health sector of Lleida. The results of the final survey show a very high average score of 9.2, which highlights especially the excellence of the teaching staff and the contents of the course.
The course was jointly organized by IRBLleida, UdL and the Catalan Society of Biology, with the collaboration of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital, which provided part of its facilities where it could be carried out. The organization of the course arose from the need of professionals, related to the field of research, to update training in this area. A request that collected the work commission of the UdL and IRBLleida. The coordinator of the Biobank of IRBLleida, Maria Ruiz, and the head of the Department of Medicine of the UdL, Xavier Gómez, were responsible for the organization.
The objective of the course was to provide the necessary information for the safe handling of samples of human origin, from the design and organization of the facilities and protective equipment to the correct processing techniques to achieve the protection of the product, operations and the environment.
F. Javier García Palomo, president of the Spanish Biosecurity Association (AEBioS), responsible for the area of High Biological Containment of the Nucleus services of the University of Salamanca and responsible for equipment management and equipment validation of the National DNA Bank Carlos III; Óscar González López, secretary of the AEBioS and technician of the High Biological Containment area of the Nucleus services of the University of Salamanca, and José Antonio Serón Yebra, European Sales Manager of the Marachana Group, were responsible for teaching this course, all three of them professionals with extensive experience in cell cultures, in design and control of High Containment facilities and controlled environment rooms and in Biological Risk Management.
Text: Communication and Press IRBLleida