The Ministry of Health offers a grant to a study on intoxications for drugs and alcohol in Lleida with more than 19,000 euros
The research led by Rosa M. Pérez, in collaboration with Oriol Yuguero, will study the sociodemographic characteristics of intoxicated patients treated in the Emergency Service of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital
The Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare has granted an aid of 19,750 euros to the Transversal Research Group of the Urgency and Emergency of the Institute of Biomedical Research of Lleida (IRBLleida) to carry out a comparative study on how the variables related to the alcohol and drug intoxications have changed over the years under the influence of social, cultural and demographic factors; what differences exist between women and men and, also, according to the age of the people affected. This allocation is part of the Call for Aid for Research Projects 2018 of the National Plan on Drugs.
The research, which is carried out since 2018 and will last until 2020, will also analyze the use and consumption of drugs of abuse and alcohol in minors. It is also planned to establish the model of intoxication by drugs of abuse and alcohol according to a gender perspective and compare the data obtained with other research to evaluate the foreseeable differences according to the territorial scope of the study, the time interval and other possible variables.

Analyze the use and consumption of drugs of abuse and alcohol according to sex and in minors