Sueñon®, a campaign to respect the rest of the patients
Little sleep increases mortality in hospitalized patients
Lleida, September 19, 2016
Patients who sleep at night less than five hours (300 minutes) are increased mortality up to four times more than those who exceed this time off. This is the information that the Sueñon® campaign was presented by the Association of nurses of Lleida (COILL), the Research Group GRECS on Health Care of the Institute of Biomedical Research Lleida (IRBLleida) and Missatges, Gestió de Comunicació.
Sueñon® is an initiative promoted by nurses and promoted and coordinated by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness that addresses all society but especially to healthcare professionals, administrators and patients to promote the rest of the people hospitalized. Miguel Ángel Calderón, Secretary of the Board of COILL and Montserrat Gea, head of Greece and Vice President COILL, presented this morning Lleida participation in the campaign so far has about 40 professionals, of which there are 2,000 throughout the country .
Sueñon® affects patients are respected and wants to raise awareness and change the culture of care in hospitals of the National Health System. In this regard, the role of nurses is essential, as are health care professionals who have more direct contact with patients. We must therefore commit to avoid unnecessary illuminations, reduce noise as much as possible, the care and schedule tasks to be done at night, ask patients what preferences they have to bedtime and keep abreast of research in the field of improvement of sleep. In the event lighting should be used orange lights, flashlights or front instead of on the light general to avoid fragmentation of sleep due to the lighting. As for the noise should decrease in public areas or keep the doors closed and also create a greater contrast between day and night for a better rest. The night should be dark, quiet, quiet and not too high a temperature in bed. However, in the morning should raise the blinds early. To promote sleep, in addition, be reduced nap.