More than 86,000 euros against breast cancer and 5,000 spectators at the Llotja thanks to Mamapop
The show celebrates its 10th anniversary with a triple record: maximum donation, more concerts and higher volume of attendance
The tenth edition of Mamapop, with the show 'Generación Movida', has achieved the highest donation for the benefit of IRBLleida: a total of 86,560 euros, most of it generated with the contributions of the sessions that have filled up to five thousand seats in the stalls of the theatre of La Llotja and the 525 euros raised with the solidarity lunch of the bakery El Crostó, which has collaborated this year with this initiative.
The solidarity concert has also become the first and most important artistic-musical production in Lleida in terms of number of spectators, achieving a triple record: in attendance, in number of sessions and in volume of money raised for medical research.
The presentation of the symbolic cheque took place at a ceremony in the Saló de Sesions de la Paeria, where the founder and artistic director of Mamapop, Manel Simon, spoke of the enormous satisfaction that all this represents: 'We are very proud of what we are achieving. The audience, the Mamapop community, is getting bigger and bigger and this motivates us to continue, as well as representing a great challenge and a great responsibility. Mamapop is synonymous with quality and artistic-scenic professionalism, so we will continue to innovate with the dual aim of continuing to surprise and excite our followers and to be faithful to our cause: the breast. We are already preparing the new 'bomb' for next November. We'll blow it up again!
Mamapop thus achieves, since its birth in 2014, an accumulated donation to the IRBLleida of 319,360 euros, all earmarked for breast cancer research projects. Thanks to people's commitment, it continues to be the main source of private funding for the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida. The manager of the IRBLleida, Eva López, explained how essential it is to have private funding to promote the improvement of diagnoses and treatments and assured that each and every one of the cents that Mamapop has given over the years is allocated to research, which is an essential guarantee of health. The mayor, Fèlix Larrosa, and the first vice-president, Agustí Jiménez, agreed to define Mamapop as a powerful tool that promotes research and commitment, and they have reinforced their institutional collaboration to continue promoting this extraordinary and transforming alliance from Lleida that translates into emotions and resources.
To celebrate its first decade of existence, Mamapop has offered in Lleida a total of 5 sessions of the latest production, from last November until January, with the involvement of more than 40 participants: the musicians of the Joven Orquesta de Poniente, the JOP, and the Orquesta Sinfónica del Conservatorio el Intérprete, actors, dancers, and the voices of a dozen soloists: Paula Costes, Nerea García, Laura Roure, Anna Simon, Xènia Pérez, David Honrrubia, Toni Gilabert, Maria Fernández, Pol Simon and Nomís Lenam who have performed the most recognised and remembered pop-rock songs of the 80s and 90s.
Once again this year, Mamapop has counted on the collaboration of a group of companies and solidarity organisations such as La Caixa Foundation, Atlas Energía, Jori&Asurbrok, Viveros Sisco Palacio, Dental Codina, Autocares Gamón and the Lleida City Council, as well as the collaboration of the Lleida Provincial Council.
With so many positive and increasingly ambitious results, Mamapop is already working on the theme and new challenges for the next edition in 2025.

The manager of IRBLleida, Eva López Truco, took part in the presentation