Torrons i Mel Alemany renews its collaboration with the IRBLleida

To promote biomedical research in Lleida

Torrons i Mel Alemany has renewed its collaboration agreement with the IRBLleida to continue promoting biomedical research in Lleida. Ghe company is one of the collaborating entities of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida. Thanks to these contributions, the IRBLleida can continue with its activity of promoting, developing, managing and disseminating biomedical research in Lleida.

In the town of Os de Balaguer (la Noguera), under the gaze of the Montsec and its exceptional sky, Torrons i Mel Alemany has built a universe of sweets. For five generations, the Alemany family has been making artisan nougat and selecting honey from the best beekeepers.

The head of Promotion of IRBLleida, Josep Maria Bosch, with the manager of Torrons i Mel Alemany, Ferran Alemany