More than 50 people participate in the visits to IRBLleida to learn about the projects funded by the 3CAT Marathon

Attendees have been able to learn about the latest scientific discoveries related to 4 different projects, from the same researchers who have made them possible

More than fifty people have visited the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida (IRBLleida) these two weeks as part of the visits organized to learn about the projects funded by the 3CAT Marathon. The initiative has served to make the population aware of the biomedical and health research that is being led from Lleida.

Specifically, attendees have known 4 projects funded in the Cancer calls (2018), Minority Diseases (2019), Covid-19 (2020) and Mental Health (2021).


  • Project "Targeting calcium channels against primary and resistant glioblastoma", led by the head of the research group Cell signaling by calcium at IRBLleida and the University of Lleida, Carles Cantí.

Minority diseases

  • Project "Preclinical analysis of new combined treatments for spinal muscular atrophy: effects on the survival of motoneuron, synaptic integrity and the preservation of skeletal muscle", led by the head of the experimental neuromuscular pathology research group at IRBLleida and the University of Lleida, Jordi Calderó Pardo.


  • Project "An approach to systems biology to understand Covid-19 physiopathology and predict its outcome (SYSTEM-BIO-COVID)", led by researcher Miguel Servet at IRBLleida, David de Gonzalo.

Mental health

  • Project "Deciphering the clinical, neurobiological and genetic correlates of the first episodes of mania in bipolar disorder: NOTION project", led at IRBLleida by the researcher responsible for the group Biological foundations of mental disorders, Maria Mur Laín, who is also a professional in the Psychiatry Service of the University Hospital of Santa Maria in Lleida and the University of Lleida.

This initiative has been carried out in four sessions, all of them organized within the framework of the "Visita la recerca" initiative, promoted by the 3CAT Marathon with the aim of showing citizens the studies and projects financed with the funds that are collected annually through this program of Catalan public television. The visits have been carried out in the IRBLleida building and in the Hospital Universitari de Santa Maria in Lleida.

Marathon visits to IRBLleida