The project to study improvements in gait in Parkinson's patients obtains the quality seal of the National Health System's ITEMAS platform
Led by the researcher Helena Fernández Lago of the research group on health cures (GRECS)
The 'Cognitive Game Gait' project, to study how to improve walking in patients with Parkinson's disease when they walk on a treadmill, has obtained the quality seal of the platform for dynamisation and innovation of the industrial capacities of the National Health System (ITEMAS). This research is led by the researcher Helena Fernández Lago from the health cures research group (GRECS) of the Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida (IRBLleida).
The aim of the ITEMAS innovation support programme is to accompany high-impact projects in order to achieve effective transfer to the National Health System (NHS). "This certification will allow us to learn first-hand the procedures for transfer to the NHS, and for the innovations to achieve the desired social impact," explained the principal investigator. In addition, the projects that form part of the ITEMAS portfolio have a plan of acceleration, valorisation, transfer and commercialisation services provided by the ITEMAS platform.
ITEMAS is a platform of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) to support R&D&I in Biomedicine and Health Sciences. Its objective is to effectively boost the industrial capacity generated by the National Health System and the real transfer of the results.

Study looks at how to improve gait in patients with Parkinson's disease