Fruits de Ponent renews its collaboration with IRBLleida
It continues an understanding between the two sides that began in 2007
The Grup Cooperatiu Fruits de Ponent has renewed its collaboration agreement with the IRBLleida, thereby continuing an understanding between the two parties that began in 2007.
The agreement is part of Fruits de Ponent's commitment to research, local organisations and health, all with the aim of promoting, developing, managing and disseminating biomedical research in Lleida.
Thus, the contributions that entities such as Fruits de Ponent make to IRBLleida allow research in the 5 research areas of IRBLleida to provide better services to the public.

The General Manager of Grup Cooperatiu Fruits de Ponent, Josep Presseguer, with the President of Grup Cooperatiu Fruits de Ponent, Benjamí Ibars, and the head of Promotion of IRBLleida, Josep Maria Bosch.