Orum Center, new collaborating company of IRBLleida
To promote biomedical research in Lleida
Orum Center is, as of 2022, a new collaborating company of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida. The contributions made by the companies and entities that collaborate with the IRBLleida have the mission to promote, develop, manage and disseminate biomedical research in Lleida.
Orum Center is committed to comprehensive development, with areas of attention on Prevention, Detection, Guidance, Diagnosis and Treatment. It is made up of a team of health professionals with more than 20 years of experience in disciplines such as psychology, pedagogy, psychiatry, etc.

The head of Promotion at IRBLleida, Josep Maria Bosch, with the representatives of Orum Center, Rosa Maria Fondevila and Sílvia Amat.