Messer renews its collaboration with IRBLleida
It has been a partner company for 10 years
Messer Ibérica de Gases has been a collaborating company of IRBLleida for 10 years. This year it has renewed its collaboration with the Institute of Biomedical Research of Lleida to promote biomedical research in Lleida. The contributions of companies, organisations and individuals make it possible to collaborate in the research carried out by IRBLleida's groups.
Messer Ibérica de Gases has been operating since 1970 in the Tarragona petrochemical complex, the largest in southern Europe, where it has air fractionation plants and supplies large customers in the sector through its own network of gas pipelines.

Messer's general manager, Rubén Folgado, with the head of Promotion of IRBLleida, Josep Maria Bosch