More than 120 people registered for the XXVII Course on Cerebrovascular Diseases organised by Lleida
Aimed at neurology resident doctors to promote research
Francesc Purroy García and Gerard Mauri Capdevila, from the Neurology Department of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital of Lleida (HUAV) and the Clinical Neurosciences group of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida (IRBLleida), organised the XXVII Course on Cerebrovascular Diseases aimed at neurology residents and young attendings from all over Spain. More than 120 people were trained by 40 experts in this pathology from 4 to 7 October.
‘The aim of the course is to provide an update on the disease and to encourage research among the young residents and assistants' explained Francesc Purroy, neurologist at the HUAV, professor at the UdL and head of the Clinical Neurosciences group. The congress, organised by the Spanish Society of Neurology, was held online.