The Cooperativa de Sant Isidre de les Borges Blanques renews as a collaborating company for the 8th year in a row
To promote biomedical research in Lleida
The Cooperativa de Sant Isidre de les Borges Blanques has renewed its collaboration with IRBLleida for the 8th consecutive year. Thanks to its collaboration, the Institute of Biomedical Research will continue research into relevant diseases such as cancer, stroke, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, pleural diseases, ageing, the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, respiratory disorders and infections, mental disorders, among others, in order to provide better services to our population.
The Cooperativa de Sant Isidre de les Borges Blanques was founded in 1912 and was one of the pioneers in the Lleida area. The Cooperative's success is endorsed by its nearly 1,000 members, an annual production of 650 tonnes of extra virgin olive oil, 5 million kilos of fruit per year and a credit section with more than a thousand users. These figures highlight the efforts made by the cooperative throughout its one hundred years of history, which has been its standard bearer and driving force for growth.

The president of the Cooperativa de Sant Isidre de les Borges Blanques, Màrius Bordell, with the head of Promotion of IRBLleida, Josep Maria Bosch