Mamapop donates more than €13,000 to IRBLleida thanks to 'Fila Cero'
In a year in which no live concert could be held due to the pandemic
The impossibility of holding the 2020 edition of Mamapop, due to COVID-19 restrictions, led to the opening of the FILA 0 so that everyone could continue to contribute, with their donations, to breast cancer research. Now that the solidarity campaign, which was launched at Christmas, has closed, Mamapop has taken stock of the contributions made throughout the year, totalling 13,040 euros which, as always, will go in full to finance the breast cancer project being developed by the researcher of the Biomarkers in Cancer Research Group (GReBiC) and doctor at the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital (HUAV), Serafín Morales, at the Institute for Biomedical Research of Lleida (IRBLleida).
According to the founder and promoter of Mamapop, Manel Simón Barbero, "the pandemic cannot stop research, cancer continues to be, it makes no noise but it is there, and Mamapop will not rest until we all find the definitive solution".
Over the course of its editions, Mamapop has raised a total of 138,499 euros with which this concert-show has become the most important private initiative in contributing to the financing of breast cancer research in Lleida.
The symbolic cheque was handed over on 19 March by Manel Simón to Serafín Morales and the director of IRBLleida, Diego Arango.
The presentation ceremony was also attended by the manager of IRBLleida, Joan Vives; the head of Promotion at IRBLleida, Josep Mª Bosch; the director of Asurbrok, Paco Palacín; the president of ADIMA - Associació de Dones Intervingudes de Mama, Digna Torres; Director of Institutions of CaixaBank, Geremí Camino; the founder and promoter of Mamapop, Manel Simón; the public relations of Mamapop, Manel Tahüll, and the member of the Mamapop team, Marta Massot.
Mamapop aims to raise awareness and mobilise society about breast cancer, using music as a rallying point to support scientific research and care for those affected. It works to raise funding for scientific research into breast cancer at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRBLleida).

The organisers of Mamapop, together with the collaborating companies, handed over the cheque to the management of the IRBLleida