Three researchers from IRBLleida, among the most cited researchers in the world
The UdL triples in one year the number of researchers most cited in the world
Three researchers from IRBLleida are included in the database of the world's most cited scientists, compiled by experts from Stanford University (USA), the scientometrics company SciTech Strategies Inc. and the scientific publishing Elsevier. They are Reinald Pamplona, responsible of the Metabolic Physiopathology research group; Xavier Matias-Guiu, responsible of the Oncology Pathology research group, and Loreta Medina, responsible of the Evolutionary and Developmental Neurobiology.
According to the scientific production for 2019 alone, there are up to 20 researchers from the UdL, including IRBLleida researcher José Manuel Valdivielso, head of the Vascular and Renal Translational Research Group.
A total of 17 researchers from the University of Lleida (UdL) are in the database. In the latest update, carried out in 2020 with data up to 2019, the UdL has gone from having 6 to 17 representatives among the 159,000 most outstanding people in 20 scientific fields throughout their careers. Of these, 10 do research at Agrotechnology, 4 at INSPIRES and 3 at IRBLleida. The figure rises to 20 measuring only their production during 2019: 11 from Agrotechnology, 6 from INSPIRES and 3 from IRBLleida.
Worldwide, some 7.8 million people are engaged in research, according to UNESCO data from 2013, the latest available.
This database lists 159,683 scientists from a total of 144 countries on 5 continents. Of these, 2,290 are from Spain. "The fact that a small university like ours has 17 researchers among the top 2% of the world's elite is a sign of a job well done and shows the way forward for the future," said the rector of the UdL, Jaume Puy.
This database, according to the authors, "provides standardised information on citations, h-index, hm-adjusted h-index for co-authorship, citations to articles in different authorship positions and a composite indicator". It includes the following disciplines: Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Biology; Biomedical Research; Architecture and Urban Planning; Chemistry; Clinical Medicine; Communication and Textual Studies; Environmental and Earth Sciences; Economics and Finance; Instrumental and Strategic Technologies; Engineering; History; Information and Communication Technologies; Mathematics and Statistics; Philosophy and Theology; Physics and Astronomy; Psychology and Cognitive Sciences; Public Health and Health Services; Social Sciences and Visual and Performing Arts.
The list of outstanding scientists by career takes into account articles published between 1960 and 2019. Excluding self-citations, the most outstanding UdL researcher is Paul Christou, from the School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSEA), in position 15,436 and with 247 articles. He is followed by Luisa F. Cabeza, from the Polytechnic School (EPS), in position 18,549 and 423 publications; and Gustavo Slafer, also from ETSEA, in position 27,147 and 185 articles. All three were already in the first database, along with Reinald Pamplona, from the Faculty of Medicine, currently in position 42,713, and Fernando López Gatius, from ETSEA, in position 70,343. There was also the professor of Medicine José Manuel Porcel, who is not there now.
On the other hand, Xavier Matías-Guiu (Medicine, Medicine, 57.351), Olga Martín (ETSEA, 92.488), Concepció Ramos (ETSEA, 97.056), José A. Martínez Casasnovas (ETSEA, 110.603), Loreta Medina (Medicine, 113.115), Sonia Marinsia (ETSEA, 110.603), Loreta Medina (Medicine, 113. 115), Sonia Marinín 115.072), Albert Ibarz (ETSEA, 130.000), Robert Soliva (ETSEA, 136.148), Daniel Chemisana (EPS, 136.148), Daniel Chemisana (EPS, 136.148), Daniel Chemisana 136.148 148 148), María José Motilva (ETSEA, 142.830), Alvaro de Gracia (EPS, 148.808) and Jaume Giné (EPS, 150.829).
At world level, according to this database, the most outstanding scientist, taking into account his entire career, is Michael Gracia, from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (Switzerland), with 1,567 publications since 1971. The first Spaniard to appear is Avelino Corma, from the Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ-CSIC-UPV), in 28th position, with 1,326 articles. As for Catalan institutions, the researcher in the highest position is Manel Esteller, from the University of Barcelona, in position 140 with 627 publications.
According to the scientific production of 2019, we find up to 20 researchers from the UdL. Most of them are already in the list of the most cited during their career, with the exception of Loreta Medina and Albert Ibarz, who do not appear in the latter. In addition, five new ones have joined the list: Laura Salvia (ETSEA, 81,314), Albert Castell (EPS, 93,583), Alejandra Rojas (ETSEA, 116,125), Eduard Oró (EPS, 121,850) and José Manuel Valdivielso (Medicine, 139,056).
The University of Lleida's best-placed researcher on this list is Luisa F. Cabeza, ranked 1,765th with 423 publications in 2019. The list is completed by Gustavo Slafer (18,093), Alvaro de Gracia (27,643), Reinald Pamplona (31,860), Paul Christou (43,731), Olga Martín (44,296), Concepción Ramos (57,086), J.A. Martínez-Casasasnovas (66. 329), Daniel Chemisana (70,796), Sonia Marín (72,053), Fernando López Gatius (76,003), Xavier Matías-Guiu (93,456), Robert Soliva (94,996), María José Motilva (98,789) and Jaume Giné (152,092).
The number 1 at international level in 2019 was Zhong Ling Wang, from the Georgia Institute of Technology (United States), with 1,754 publications. Both at national and Catalan level, Avelino Corma, in 47th position on the list, and Manel Esteller, in 627th position.
Article Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators
News: UdL

The scientometrics company SciTech Strategies Inc. and the scientific publishing Elsevier have made the database