IRBLleida organizes the second #SomRecerca conference to raise awareness of the role of patients in biomedical research in Lleida
This year the conference will take place on Lleida TV on Friday 27 November at 9 p.m.
The Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida (IRBLleida) has organised the second #SomRecerca day, a meeting to reflect on the role of the patient in IRBLleida research, the current situation and the objectives and challenges of the future. This second edition will take place on Lleida TV on Friday 27 November at 9pm to coincide with Research Night.
The conference is promoted by the Catalan Agency for Healthcare Quality and Assessment (AQuAS) and the Ministry of Health, and has the support of the La Caixa Foundation and the Diputació de Lleida.
In this second edition, we will be able to find out about the collaboration of three entities from Lleida, such as the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, the Spanish Association against Cancer-Lleida and Parkinson's Lleida, with research personnel from Lleida. Specifically, we will be able to see the conversations of:
- Luis Brieva, head of the Neurology section at the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital in Lleida, professor at the UdL and head of the Neuroimmunology research group at the RBLleida, Anna Gil, neuropsychologist and researcher in the Neuroimmunology research group at the Lleida Institute for Biomedical Research, and Sílvia Peralta, nurse at the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.
- Anna Macià, researcher in the Oncological Pathology research group at IRBLleida and lecturer in the Pharmacology Unit of the Department of Experimental Medicine at the UdL, and Eva Figuera, manager of the Spanish Cancer Association-Lleida.
- Helena Fernández Lago, postdoctoral researcher of the GRECS IRBLleida research group and professor at the UdL, and Jordi Moncusí Vallverdú, secretary of Parkinson Lleida
The conference forms part of a cycle on citizen participation in research that AQuAS is promoting in various Catalan research centres since 2019.