Enginyers Lleida collaborates with IRBLleida in the fight against COVID-19
The College allocates its annual solidarity contribution to the biobank of the Lleida-based research centre
Today, the Dean of Engineers of Lleida, Ramon Grau, together with the head of Promotion of the Lleida Institute for Biomedical Research (IRBLleida), Josep Maria Bosch, formalised a solidarity collaboration of 1,000 euros with the biobank of this research centre for its fight against COVID-19 with different studies, projects and trials. Dean Grado highlighted "the great role that healthcare professionals are playing during the pandemic in all healthcare and scientific fields". For his part, Josep Maria Bosch thanked "the firm and consistent collaboration of Ingenieros Lleida with IRBLleida".
The IRBLleida Biobank is the unit responsible for managing samples and associated data for research. This management includes all the processes of reception, processing, storage and making the biological samples available to the scientific community, guaranteeing at all times the quality of the samples and their traceability in compliance with current legislation. The biobank has equipment such as special freezers or liquid nitrogen tanks, where samples used for research into the pandemic are stored.
The biobanks will continue to be widely used in the future to assist in research into other diseases such as cancer and to address new diseases that may arise in the coming years such as COVID-19.
IRBLleida belongs to the Institution of Research Centres in Catalonia (iCERCA), which is organised according to a model of good governance and operation that ensures the efficiency, management flexibility, attraction and promotion of talent, strategic planning and executive capacity of the research centres in Catalonia.

The dean of Engineers Lleida, Ramon Grau, with the head of IRBLleida Promotion, Josep Maria Bosch