The researcher Oriol Yuguero, in the Committee for the transformation of the public health system
One of the main functions will be to prepare a document on the actions of reform of the health system that can be incorporated into policies in this area.
The associate professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lleida (UdL), Oriol Yuguero, has been chosen to form part of the Committee of experts for the transformation of the Catalan public health system. Attached to the Department of the Presidency and coordinated by the head of Epidemiology of the Hospital Clinico de Barcelona, Antoni Trilla, it is made up of some thirty people from the health system, health economics and public administration fields. Yuguero is the only one who exercises in the Lleida area.
Doctor of Medicine from the UdL, where he teaches bioethics, Oriol Yuguero is also a collaborating professor at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Optional of the Emergency Service of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital (HUAV) and member of the Scientific Committee of the Catalan Society of Emergency Medicine, he is responsible of the Urgency and Emergency Multi-disciplinary Research Group and president of the Healthcare Ethics Committee of the Region Lleida Sanitary.
One of the main functions of the Committee of experts for the transformation of the Catalan public health system will be to prepare a document on the actions of reform of the health system that can be incorporated into policies in this area. The proposal will have to be submitted within a maximum period of two months. The Interdepartmental Commission will also advise on the preparation of the Agenda for the transformation of the public health system, attached to the Health department of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Oriol Yuguero is the responsible of the Urgency and Emergency Multi-disciplinary Research Group