A study carried out on yeasts shows the existence of interaction between certain human proteins whose repercussion is manifested in degenerative processes such as cellular aging
The investigation of the biological process will later be transferred to the human system to analyze genes that are related to various diseases.
The Yeast Signaling Group of the Lleida Biomedical Research Institute (IRBLleida) and the University of Lleida (UdL), led by the UdL researcher and professor, Mª Ángeles de la Torre Ruiz, has used a technique called "humanization "through which interactions between human genes and proteins are studied within a different eukaryotic cell, in this case within the non-pathogenic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (beer yeast). This study in a eukaryotic system is a good study model of many biological processes that are subsequently transferred to the human system, and which, among other applications, has an enormous health impact since it serves to analyze genes that are related to various diseases. The research has been published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

The researcher, Mª Ángeles de la Torre