IRBLleida joins the European network of excellence EATRIS that gives access to technological facilities and leading projects in Europe
It is part of the biomarker work area for the prevention, diagnosis and prognostic evaluation of a disease
The Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida (IRBLleida) has joined the EATRIS network (European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine) this May, a consortium that brings together more than 80 puncture research centers in Europe (17 in Spain) and whose mission is to support researchers to turn their biomedical discoveries into innovative tools and therapies that improve the health of society. This incorporation will allow IRBLleida to participate in research projects of excellence at a European level, will facilitate collaborations between European public and private entities, and access to leading technological facilities in Europe.
Specifically, IRBLleida has been accepted in the biomarker work area. This platform facilitates the validation and development of biomarkers (biological indicators that can be measured) for the prevention, diagnosis and prognostic evaluation of a disease, as well as for predicting the response to different therapies. The scientific-technical services of Lipidomics and Biobank and the "El Bus de la Salut" project, a study that has the support of the Lleida Provincial Council and the Renal Jaume Arnó Foundation, have been positively evaluated to form part of this platform.
As part of EATRIS, IRBLeida will also enjoy support in preparing international research proposals and finding European partners, and will receive ongoing training in key areas of translational medicine. According to the IRBLleida director Diego Arango, "being part of EATRIS is a unique opportunity for IRBLleida to improve participation in projects of excellence at a European level".
European Consortium for Research Infrastructures (ERIC)
To facilitate scientific collaboration in Europe, the European Consortium for Research Infrastructures (ERIC) was created, a specific legal form that facilitates the establishment and operation of research infrastructures of strategic interest to Europe. These consortia allow the creation and operation of non-profit research infrastructures. Within ERIC, the European Advance Translational Medicine Research Infrastructure (EATRIS) was created, which focuses on the early development of drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tools, to provide solutions in the fields of advanced therapy drugs, biomarkers, diagnostic imaging , small molecules and vaccines.

The EATRIS (European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine) network is a consortium that brings together more than 80 leading research centers in Europe