GO_HERO opens a call to offer researchers a training program on how to write successful European proposals
Successful candidates will attend a 4 session workshop to prepare Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe proposals led by Dr Nikolaos Floratos.
The HERO Office is excited to announce the launch of the GO_HERO 2020 Call to support the most promising researchers from the IISPV, IDIBGI and IRBLleida. This Call aims to support senior researchers in developing their international career by training them to write successful European proposals.
Successful candidates will attend a 4 session workshop to prepare Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe proposals led by Dr Nikolaos Floratos. The comprehensive training program is structured in 7 modules covering all the aspects of successful European grant writing. The online training workshop will be structured in 4 morning sessions between the 15th and 18th of September 2020.
With this initiative, the HERO Office wants to recognise and support talented researchers that are working to reach a leading position and become pioneers in their fields. The Health European Research Office (HERO) program is supported by PERIS (SLT008/18/00177).
Application details:
Information on the GO_HERO 2020 Call can be found here. Researchers that meet the following criteria are encouraged to apply:
- Members of research group from the IISPV, IRBLleida or IDIBGI.
- Senior Researcher with at least 5 years of post-doctoral experience.
- Previous experience in writing research proposals.
Applicants need to submit a completed GO_HERO Form and a CV (model CVN FECyT) to info(ELIMINAR)@goherohealth.com before the 28th of May 2020.
For further queries about this call or the training program, please get in touch with your HERO Office representatives.

Applicants need to submit a completed GO_HERO Form and a CV (model CVN FECyT) to info@goherohealth.com before the 28th of May 2020.