Two scientists from Lleida at “Científiques Catalanes 2.0” exhibition
Organized by the Gender Perspective Group of the Catalan Association of Scientific Communication (ACCC)
Two women scientists from Lleida are taking part in the exhibition "Scientific Scientists 2.0", the industrial engineer, Luisa F. Cabeza, and the doctor in nursing, Montserrat Gea. The exhibition is expected to visit IRBLleida in September 2020. However, the current situation will mark the evolution of the exhibition.
This exhibition, born in 2020, aims to give greater visibility to the strategic role of women scientists in our area, who are concerned with communicating science in order to help on create and disseminate women's roles and models, especially in the fields of science and engineering. It's important to meet women of science to help overcome gender stereotypes in STEAM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). Therefore, the aim of the exhibition is to highlight the fundamental role of women in the advancement of science in society, while highlighting some scientists from our closest environment, the Catalan territory.
This project has been coordinated by the Gender Perspective Group of the Catalan Association of Scientific Communication (ACCC), which has more than 20 members, all professionals in communication, outreach, journalism, as well as scientific research. The ACCC is a non-profit association founded in 1990 and formed by professionals and interested in communication, outreach and scientific journalism with the aim of promoting, disseminating, expanding and improving scientific communication in the Catalan-speaking lands. The ACCC and its projects, which include this exhibition, are supported by the following collaborating entities: AGBAR Foundation, Biocat, Ciment Català, Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRi), La Caixa, BBVA Foundation, Naturgy Foundation and KIMBcn Foundation.
Download the contents of the exhibition "Científiques Catalanes 2.0" in PDF here
Find the scientific you want:
- Luisa F. Cabeza (Industrial Engineering)
- Montserrat Gea (Nursing)
- Gemma Marfany (Molecular genetics)
- Montserrat Corominas Guiu (Genetics)
- Carme Torras Genís (Robotics and industrial computing)
- Amàlia Lafuente (Pharmacology)
- Laura Soucek (Oncology)
- M. Rosa Palacín (Solid State Chemistry and Electrochemistry)
- Licia Verde (Cosmology)
- Sandra Brucet (Biology)
- Núria Salán (Metallurgical Engineering)
- Ariadna Laguna Tuset (Health and Life Sciences)
- Núria López Bigas (Cancer Genetics)
- Núria Montserrat (Bioengineering)
- Laura Dempere (Computational Neuroscience)
- Anna Roig (Materials Science)
- Àngels García Cazorla (Neuropediatrics)
- Rosa Estopà Bagot (Language Sciences)
- Sílvia Osuna (Computational Chemistry)
- Laura Lechuga (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)
- Carmen Claver (Inorganic Chemistry)
- Elena Monte (Photobiology of plants and algae)
- Cristina Fillat (Gene therapy, virotherapy and cancer)
- Mónica H Pérez-Temprano (Inorganic Chemistry)

This exhibition, born in 2020, aims to give greater visibility to the strategic role of women scientists in our area