Directori de persones
Douglas Rene Sanchez Guzman

Douglas Rene Sanchez Guzman

Grau: Llicenciat/da



  • Bernet-Vegué L; Cantero-González C; Sancho de Salas M; Parada D; Perin T; Quintero-Niño Z; Vieites Pérez-Quintela B; Sánchez-Guzmán D; Castelvetere M; Hardisson Hernaez D; Martín-Salvago MD

    Validation of prognostic and predictive value of total tumoral load after primary systemic therapy in breast cancer using OSNA assay.



  • Cudos, AG; Murillo, SM; Subirats, OP; Galindo, AR; Rodriguez, JV; Guzman, DRS; Villellas, FV; Morales, CC; Olive, JM; Martinez, EI

    Assesment of endocrine sensitivity in primary breast cancer through RS Score and changes in the proliferation index KI67

    BREAST 56 52-53. .

  • Morales Murillo, Serafin; Gasol Cudos, Ariadna; Veas Rodriguez, Joel; Canosa Morales, Carles; Melé Olivé, Jordi; Vilardell Villellas, Felip; Sanchez Guzman, Douglas Rene; Iglesias Martínez, Edelmiro; Salud Salvia, Antonieta

    Selection of neoadjuvant treatment based on the 21-GENE test results in luminal breast cancer

    BREAST 56 35-41. .


  • Murillo, SM; Cudos, AG; Rodriguez, JV; Morales, CC; Olive, JM; Villellas, FV; Guzman, DRS; Martinez, EI; Salvia, AS

    Survival analysis of bevacizumab plus taxane treatment in luminal metastatic breast cancer

    Future Science Oa 7 -. .


  • Murillo, SM; Cudos, AG; Subirats, OP; Olive, JM; Morales, CC; Villellas, FV; Guzman, DRS; Rodriguez, JV; Galindo, AR

    Axillary management after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in initially node positive early breast cancer


  • Cudos, AG; Murillo, SM; Subirats, OP; Villellas, FV; Guzman, DRS; Morales, CC; Olive, JM; Sanchez, AV; Ortega, JFC

    Relapse pattern after neoadjuvant treatment in early breast cancer

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 32 437-437. .


  • Mayo-de-las-Casas, C; Velasco, A; Sanchez, D; Martínez-Bueno A; Garzón-Ibáñez M; Gatius, S; Ruiz-Mir?, M; Gonzalez-Tallada, X; Llordella, I; Tresserra, F; Rodríguez S; Aldeguer, E; Roman-Canal, B; Bertran-Alamillo, J; García-Peláez B; Rosell, R; Molina-Vila, MA; Matias-Guiu, X

    Detection of somatic mutations in peritoneal lavages and plasma of endometrial cancer patients: a proof-of-concept study.



  • Morales, S; Cudos, AG; Galindo, AR; Velasco, A; Morales, CC; Guzman, DRS; Olive, JM

    Loss of HER2 after neoadjuvant treatment of HER2+early breast cancer

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 31 51-51. .
