Directori de persones
Ana Velasco Sanchez

Ana Velasco Sanchez

Grau: Doctor/a



  • Dorca, E; Velasco, A; Varela, M; Gatius, S; Villatoro, S; Fullana, N; Cuevas, D; Vaquero, M; Birnbaum, A; Neumann, K; Matias-Guiu, X

    Validation of Modaplex POLE mutation assay in endometrial carcinoma

    VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 483 787-794. .


  • Lopez-Fernández, A; Villacampa, G; Salinas, M; Grau, E; Darder, E; Carrasco, E; Solanes, A; Velasco, A; Torres, M; Munté, E; Iglesias, S; Torres-Esquius, S; Tuset, N; Diez, O; Lázaro, C; Brunet, J; Corbella, S; Balmaña, J

    Role of psychological background in cancer susceptibility genetic testing distress: It is not only about a positive result

    Journal of Genetic Counseling -. .


  • Lopez-Mejia IC; Pijuan J; Navaridas R; Santacana M; Gatius S; Velasco A; Castellà G; Panosa A; Cabiscol E; Pinyol M; Coll L; Bonifaci N; Peña LP; Vidal A; Villanueva A; Gari E; Llobet-Navàs D; Fajas L; Matias-Guiu X; Yeramian A

    Oxidative stress-induced FAK activation contributes to uterine serous carcinoma aggressiveness.

    MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY 17 98-118. .


  • Gatius, S; Velasco, A; Varela, M; Cuatrecasas, M; Jares, P; Setaffy, L; Bonhomme, B; Santon, A; Lindemann, K; Croce, S; Davidson, B; Lax, S; Palacios, J; Matias-Guiu, X

    Comparison of the Idylla™ MSI assay with the Promega™ MSI Analysis System and immunohistochemistry on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue of endometrial carcinoma: results from an international, multicenter study.

    VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 480 1031-1039. .


  • MORENO, S; MAIQUES, O; Romero M; Santacana M; Gómez I; Cuevas D; Velasco A; Veà À; Macià A; Barceló C; BOIX, R; VALLS, J; GATIUS, S; CANTI, C; MATIAS-GUIU, X; SORIA, X; MARTI, RM

    Differential Immunoexpression of BRAF/V600E, Senescence Markers, PTEN, and T-type Calcium Channels in Acquired Naevi According to their Histopathological and Dermoscopic Classification.



  • Soria X; Vilardell F; Maiques Ó; Barceló C; Sisó P; de la Rosa I; Velasco A; Cuevas D; Santacana M; Gatius S; Matías-Guiu X; Rodrigo A; Macià A; Martí RM


    Mutant Allele Frequency (MAF) Influences Melanoma Clinicopathologic Characteristics

    Cancers 13 -. .


  • López-Fernández, A; Villacampa, G; Grau, E; Salinas, M; Darder, E; Carrasco, E; Torres-Esquius, S; Iglesias, S; Solanes, A; Gadea, N; Velasco, A; Urgell, G; Torres, M; Tuset, N; Brunet, J; Corbella, S; Balmaña, J

    Patients' and professionals' perspective of non-in-person visits in hereditary cancer: predictors and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

    GENETICS IN MEDICINE 23 1450-1457. .


  • Velasco A; Tokat F; Bonde J; Trim N; Bauer E; Meeney A; de Leng W; Chong G; Dalstein V; Kis LL; Lorentzen JA; Tomic S; Thwaites K; Putzová M; Birnbaum A; Qazi R; Primmer V; Dockhorn-Dworniczak B; Hernández-Losa J; Soares FA; Gertler AA; Kalman M; Wong C; Carraro DM; Sousa AC; Reis RM; Fox SB; Fassan M; Brevet M; Merkelbach-Bruse S; Colling R; Soilleux E; Teo RYW; D'Haene N; Nolet S; Ristimäki A; Väisänen T; Chapusot C; Soruri A; Unger T; Wecgowiec J; Biscuola M; Frattini M; Long A; Campregher PV; Matias-Guiu X

    Multi-center real-world comparison of the fully automated Idylla™ microsatellite instability assay with routine molecular methods and immunohistochemistry on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue of colorectal cancer.

    VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 478 851-863. .


  • Cudos, AG; Murillo, SM; Subirats, OP; Villellas, FV; Guzman, DRS; Morales, CC; Olive, JM; Sanchez, AV; Ortega, JFC

    Relapse pattern after neoadjuvant treatment in early breast cancer

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 32 437-437. .


  • Mayo-de-las-Casas, C; Velasco, A; Sanchez, D; Martínez-Bueno A; Garzón-Ibáñez M; Gatius, S; Ruiz-Mir?, M; Gonzalez-Tallada, X; Llordella, I; Tresserra, F; Rodríguez S; Aldeguer, E; Roman-Canal, B; Bertran-Alamillo, J; García-Peláez B; Rosell, R; Molina-Vila, MA; Matias-Guiu, X

    Detection of somatic mutations in peritoneal lavages and plasma of endometrial cancer patients: a proof-of-concept study.



  • Morales, S; Cudos, AG; Galindo, AR; Velasco, A; Morales, CC; Guzman, DRS; Olive, JM

    Loss of HER2 after neoadjuvant treatment of HER2+early breast cancer

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 31 51-51. .


  • Cuevas, D; Velasco, A; Vaquero, M; Santacana, M; Gatius, S; Eritja, N; Estaran, E; Matias-Guiu, X

    Intratumor heterogeneity in endometrial serous carcinoma assessed by targeted sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY.

    Histopathology 76 447-460. .



  • Decodificación de la metástasis del cáncer colorrectal desentrañando el señalosoma de PLA2G12A
  • Homologous recombination deficiency in high-grade endometrial cancers. Biomarkers and impact of intratumor heterogeneity.
  • Personalized Immunotherapy for Endometrial Cancer; Acronym: ExCITE (Endometrial Cancer Immunotherapy)
  • Perfiles epigenéticos asociados a patrones de metastasis en cáncer de endometrio
  • Genomic approach for individualizing endometrial cancer diagnosis, prognosis and treatment
  • Estudio metabolómico del carcinoma de endometrio en relación a parametros morfológicos y moleculares
  • Carcinoma de endometrio. Participación de las vías de señalización, implicadas en la resistencia a la terapia antineoplasica