Patologia oncològica
- Nombre de publicacions
- 557
Crespo-Masip, M; Perez-Gomez, A; Garcia-Carrasco, A; Jover, R; Guzman, C; Dolcet, X; Ibarz, M; Martinez, C; Eritja À; Diaz-Tocados, JM; Valdivielso, JM
Elimination of Vitamin D Signaling Causes Increased Mortality in a Model of Overactivation of the Insulin Receptor: Role of Lipid Metabolism.
Nutrients 14 -. .
Belokopytova-Chakh, A; Ruiz-Gonzalez, A; Vilardell-Vilellas, F; Porcel, JM
Cardiac tamponade as the initial presentation of a T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
Galicia Clinica 83 42-44. .
Garcia-Garcia, Mar; Alvarez Alegret, Ramiro; Perez-Mies, Belen; Iglesias, Mar; Ramon Y Cajal, Santiago; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Rodriguez Peralto, Jose Luis
La necesidad de la coordinación técnica en los servicios de Anatomía Patológica. Documento de posicionamiento de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica.
Revista espanola de patologia : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Anatomia Patologica y de la Sociedad Espanola de Citologia 55 122-124. .
Temprana-Salvador J; López-García P; Castellví Vives J; de Haro L; Ballesta E; Rojas Abusleme M; Arrufat M; Marques F; Casas JR; Gallego C; Pons L; Mate JL; Fernández PL; López-Bonet E; Bosch R; Martínez S; Ramón Y Cajal S; Matias-Guiu X
DigiPatICS: Digital Pathology Transformation of the Catalan Health Institute Network of 8 Hospitals-Planification, Implementation, and Preliminary Results.
Diagnostics 12 -. .
Mota, A; Oltra, SS; Selenica, P; Moiola, CP; Casas-Arozamena, C; Lopez-Gil, C; Diaz, E; Gatius, S; Ruiz-Miro, M; Calvo, A; Rojo-Sebastian, A; Hurtado, P; Piñeiro R; Colas, E; Gil-Moreno, A; Reis-Filho, JS; Muinelo-Romay, L; Abal, M; Matias-Guiu, X; Weigelt, B; Moreno-Bueno, G
Intratumor genetic heterogeneity and clonal evolution to decode endometrial cancer progression.
ONCOGENE 41 1835-1850. .
Lopez-Cano, C; Santos, MD; Sanchez, E; Marti, R; Bueno, M; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Lecube, A
Dapagliflozin plus exenatide on patients with type 2 diabetes awaiting bariatric surgery in the DEXBASU study.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12 3236-3236. .
Prevención secundaria de cáncer de cuello de útero, 2022. Conducta clínica ante resultados anormales de las pruebas de cribado
Prevención secundaria del cancer de cuello de útero, 2022. Conducta clínica ante resultados anormales de las pruebas de cribado. -. .
Sanchez, E; Santos, MD; Nuñez-Garcia M; Bueno, M; Sajoux, I; Yeramian, A; Lecube, A
Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Morphological Changes in the Adventitial Vasa Vasorum Density and Biological Markers of Endothelial Dysfunction in Subjects with Moderate Obesity Undergoing a Very Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet.
Nutrients 14 -. .
MORENO, S; MAIQUES, O; Romero M; Santacana M; Gómez I; Cuevas D; Velasco A; Veà À; Macià A; Barceló C; BOIX, R; VALLS, J; GATIUS, S; CANTI, C; MATIAS-GUIU, X; SORIA, X; MARTI, RM
Differential Immunoexpression of BRAF/V600E, Senescence Markers, PTEN, and T-type Calcium Channels in Acquired Naevi According to their Histopathological and Dermoscopic Classification.
Rofes P; González S; Navarro M; Moreno-Cabrera JM; Solanes A; Darder E; Carrasco E; Iglesias S; Salinas M; Gómez C; Velasco À; Tuset N; Varela M; Llort G; Ramon Y Cajal T; Grau È; Dueñas N; de la Ossa Merlano N; Matías-Guiu X; Rivera B; Balmaña J; Pineda M; Brunet J; Capellá G; Del Valle J; Lázaro C
Paired Somatic-Germline Testing of 15 Polyposis and Colorectal Cancer-Predisposing Genes Highlights the Role of APC Mosaicism in de Novo Familial Adenomatous Polyposis.
Journal Of Molecular Diagnostics 23 1452-1459. .
Soria X; Vilardell F; Maiques Ó; Barceló C; Sisó P; de la Rosa I; Velasco A; Cuevas D; Santacana M; Gatius S; Matías-Guiu X; Rodrigo A; Macià A; Martí RM
Mutant Allele Frequency (MAF) Influences Melanoma Clinicopathologic Characteristics
Cancers 13 -. .
Eritja N; Navaridas R; Ruiz-Mitjana A; Vidal-Sabanés M; Egea J; Encinas M; Matias-Guiu X; Dolcet X
Endometrial PTEN Deficiency Leads to SMAD2/3 Nuclear Translocation
Cancers 13 -. .