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  • Vrede SW; Kasius J; Bulten J; Teerenstra S; Huvila J; Colas E; Gil-Moreno A; Boll D; Vos MC; van Altena AM; Asberger J; Sweegers S; van Weelden WJ; van der Putten LJM; Amant F; Visser NCM; Snijders MPLM; Küsters-Vandevelde HVN; Kruitwagen R; Matias-Guiu X; Weinberger V; Reijnen C; Pijnenborg JMA

    Relevance of Molecular Profiling in Patients With Low-Grade Endometrial Cancer.

    JAMA Network Open 5 -. .


  • Alturo-Pons A; Alamon-Reig F; Sanmartin Novell V; Vilardell F; Martí RM

    [[Translated article]]Congenital and Acquired Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis: A Series of 7 Cases.



  • Sevilla A; Sánchez-Diez A; Cobo S; Izagirre N; Martinez-Cadenas C; Martí RM; Puértolas T; de Unamuno B; Bañuls J; Izu R; Gardeazabal J; Asumendi A; Boyano MD; Alonso S

    Association of TYR SNP rs1042602 with Melanoma Risk and Prognosis.

    Life-Basel 12 -. .


  • Palomero J; Panisello C; Lozano-Rabella M; Tirtakasuma R; Díaz-Gómez J; Grases D; Pasamar H; Arregui L; Dorca Duch E; Guerra Fernández E; Vivancos A; de Andrea CE; Melero I; Ponce J; Vidal A; Piulats JM; Matias-Guiu X; Gros A

    Biomarkers of tumor-reactive CD4(+) and CD8(+) TILs associate with improved prognosis in endometrial cancer.

    Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 10 -. .


  • Carton-Garcia, F; Brotons, B; Anguita, E; Dopeso, H; Tarragona, J; Nieto, R; Garcia-Vidal, E; Macaya, I; Zagyva, Z; Dalmau, M; Sanchez-Martin, M; van Ijzendoorn SCD; Landolfi, S; Hernandez-Losa, J; Schwartz S Jr; Matias-Guiu, X; Ramón Y Cajal S; Martinez-Barriocanal, A; Arango, D

    Myosin Vb as a tumor suppressor gene in intestinal cancer.

    ONCOGENE 41 5279-5288. .


  • Sonzini, Giorgia; Granados-Aparici, Sofia; Sanegre, Sabina; Diaz-Lagares, Angel; Diaz-Martin, Juan; de Andrea, Carlos; Eritja, Nuria; Bao-Caamano, Aida; Costa-Fraga, Nicolas; Garcia-Ros, David; Salguero-Aranda, Carmen; Davidson, Ben; Lopez-Lopez, Rafael; Melero, Ignacio; Navarro, Samuel; Ramon Y Cajal, Santiago; de Alava, Enrique; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Noguera, Rosa

    Integrating digital pathology with transcriptomic and epigenomic tools for predicting metastatic uterine tumor aggressiveness.

    Frontiers In Cell And Developmental Biology 10 1052098-1052098. .


  • Marin-Jimenez, Juan A.; Garcia-Mulero, Sandra; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Piulats, Josep M.

    Facts and hopes in immunotherapy of endometrial cancer.

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 28 4849-4860. .


  • Matas-Nadal C; Soria X; Gonzalez-Farré M; Baradad M; Tuset N; Rius Riu F; González M; Gatius S; Vilardell F; López-Ortega R; María Martí R

    Abdominal tumors in patients with neurofibromatosis type I: Genotype-phenotype relationships.

    European Journal of Medical Genetics 65 104609-104609. .


  • Matias-Guiu, X; Selinger, CI; Anderson, L; Buza, N; Ellenson, LH; Fadare, O; Ganesan, R; Ip PPC; Palacios, J; Parra-Herran, C; Raspollini, MR; Soslow, RA; Werner HMJ; Lax, SF; McCluggage, WG

    Data Set for the Reporting of Endometrial Cancer: Recommendations From the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR).



  • Barcelo, C.; Siso, P.; de la Rosa, I.; Megino-Luque, C.; Navaridas, R.; Maiques, O.; Urdanibia, I.; Eritja, N.; Soria, X.; Potrony, M.; Calbet-Llopart, N.; Puig, S.; Matias-Guiu, X.; Marti, R. M.; Macia, A.

    M-CSF as a therapeutic target in BRAF(V600E) melanoma resistant to BRAF inhibitors.

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 127 1142-1152. .


  • Altes, G; Vaquero, M; Cuesta, S; Anerillas, C; Macia, A; Espinet, C; Ribera, J; Bellusci, S; Klein, OD; Yeramian, A; Dolcet, X; Egea, J; Encinas, M

    A dominant negative mutation uncovers cooperative control of caudal Wolffian duct development by Sprouty genes

    Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 79 514-514. .


  • Egan D; Moran B; Wilkinson M; Pinyol M; Guerra E; Gatius S; Matias-Guiu X; Kolch W; le Roux CW; Brennan DJ

    CRABP2 - A novel biomarker for high-risk endometrial cancer.

    GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY 167 314-322. .
