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  • Cemeli, T; Guasch-Valles, M; Nàger M; Felip, I; Cambray, S; Santacana, M; Gatius, S; Pedraza, N; Dolcet, X; Ferrezuelo, F; Schuhmacher, AJ; Herreros, J; Gari, E

    Cytoplasmic cyclin D1 regulates glioblastoma dissemination

    JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 248 501-513. .


  • Visser NCM; van der Putten LJM; van Egerschot, A; Van de Vijver, KK; Santacana, M; Bronsert, P; Hirschfeld, M; Colas, E; Gil-Moreno, A; Garcia, A; Mancebo, G; Alameda, F; Krakstad, C; Tangen, IL; Huvila, J; Schrauwen, S; Koskas, M; Walker, F; Weinberger, V; Minar, L; Hausnerova, J; Snijders MPLM; van den Berg-van Erp, S; Matias-Guiu, X; Trovik, J; Amant, F; Massuger LFAG; Bulten, J; Pijnenborg JMA

    Addition of IMP3 to L1CAM for discrimination between low- and high-grade endometrial carcinomas: a European Network for Individualised Treatment of Endometrial Cancer collaboration study

    HUMAN PATHOLOGY 89 90-98. .


  • Sanz Ortega J; Gallel P; Hierro Martín MI; de Torres I

    Recomendaciones del grupo de trabajo de Uropatología de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica.

    Revista espanola de patologia : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Anatomia Patologica y de la Sociedad Espanola de Citologia 52 167-177. .


  • Baena Fustegueras JA; Gonzalez, FH; Caldero, SG; de la Fuente Juárez MC; Lopez, SR; Riu, FR; Petit, NM; Alvarez, PM; Torello, AL; Matias-Guiu, X; Olsina Kissler JJ

    Magnetic detection of sentinel lymph node in papillary thyroid carcinoma: The MAGIC-PAT study results

    EJSO 45 1175-1181. .


  • Leskela, S; Perez-Mies, B; Rosa-Rosa, JM; Cristobal, E; Biscuola, M; Palacios-Berraquero, ML; Ong, S; Matias-Guiu Guia X; Palacios, J

    Molecular Basis of Tumor Heterogeneity in Endometrial Carcinosarcoma

    Cancers 11 -. .


  • Roman-Canal, B; Tarragona, J; Moiola, CP; Gatius, S; Bonnin, S; Ruiz-Miro, M; Sierra, JE; Rufas, M; Gonzalez, E; Porcel, JM; Gil-Moreno, A; Falcon-Perez, JM; Ponomarenko, J; Matias-Guiu, X; Colas, E

    EV-associated miRNAs from peritoneal lavage as potential diagnostic biomarkers in colorectal cancer

    Journal Of Translational Medicine 17 208-208. .


  • Pijuan, J; Barcelo, C; Moreno, DF; Maiques, O; Siso, P; Marti, RM; Macia, A; Panosa, A

    In vitro Cell Migration, Invasion, and Adhesion Assays: From Cell Imaging to Data Analysis

    Frontiers In Cell And Developmental Biology 7 107-107. .


  • Bozic, M; Caus, M; Rodrigues-Diez, RR; Ruiz-Ortega, M; Martinez, A; Blasco, A; Gallel, P; Fernandez, E; Valdivielso, JM



  • Roman-Canal, B; Moiola, CP; Gatius, S; Bonnin, S; Ruiz-Miro, M; Gonzalez, E; Gonzalez-Tallada, X; Llordella, I; Hernandez, I; Porcel, JM; Gil-Moreno, A; Falcon-Perez, JM; Ponomarenko, J; Matias-Guiu, X; Colas, E

    EV-Associated miRNAs from Peritoneal Lavage are a Source of Biomarkers in Endometrial Cancer

    Cancers 11 -. .


  • Matas-Nadal, C; Fernandez-Armenteros, JM; Casanova Seuma, J M; Vilardell, F; Baradad, M; Aguayo-Ortiz, RS

    Papular spreading necrobiosis lipoidica: a rare clinical presentation of this pathology



  • Reijnen, C; van Weelden, WJ; Arts MSJP; Peters, JP; Rijken, PF; van de Vijver, K; Santacana, M; Bronsert, P; Bulten, J; Hirschfeld, M; Colas, E; Gil-Moreno, A; Reques, A; Mancebo, G; Krakstad, C; Trovik, J; Haldorsen, IS; Huvila, J; Koskas, M; Weinberger, V; Minar, L; Jandakova, E; Snijders MPLM; van den Berg-van Erp, S; Küsters-Vandevelde HVN; Matias-Guiu, X; Amant, F; ENITEC-consortium; Massuger LFAG; Bussink J; Pijnenborg JMA

    Poor outcome in hypoxic endometrial carcinoma is related to vascular density

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 120 1037-1044. .


  • Trapero, Carla; Vidal, August; Rodriguez-Martinez, Aitor; Sevigny, Jean; Ponce, Jordi; Coroleu, Buenaventura; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Martin-Satue, Mireia

    The ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-2 (NTPDase2) in human endometrium: a novel marker of basal stroma and mesenchymal stem cells.

    Purinergic Signalling 15 225-236. .
