Directorio de personas
Natàlia Mota Martorell

Natàlia Mota Martorell

Grado: Doctor/a



  • Fernàndez-Bernal, A; Sol, J; Galo-Licona, JD; Mota-Martorell, N; Mas-Bargues, C; Belenguer-Varea, A; Obis, É; Viña, J; Borrás, C; Jové, M; Pamplona, R

    Phenotypic upregulation of hexocylceramides and ether-linked phosphocholines as markers of human extreme longevity

    AGING CELL -. .


  • Dakterzada, F; Jové, M; Cantero, JL; Mota-Martorell, N; Pamplona, R; Piñoll-Ripoll, G

    The shift in the fatty acid composition of the circulating lipidome in Alzheimer's disease

    ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA 20 3322-3333. .


  • Berdún R; Obis È; Mota-Martorell N; Bassols A; Valent D; Serrano JCE; Martín-Garí M; Rodríguez-Palmero M; Moreno-Muñoz JA; Tibau J; Quintanilla R; Pamplona R; Portero-Otín M; Jové M

    High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Increases Brain Mitochondrial Complex I and Lipoxidation-Derived Protein Damage.

    Antioxidants 13 -. .


  • Jové, M; Mota-Martorell, N; Fernàndez-Bernal, A; Portero-Otin, M; Barja, G; Pamplona, R

    Phenotypic molecular features of long-lived animal species



  • Bernal AF; Mota N; Pamplona R; Area-Gomez E; Portero-Otin M

    Hakuna MAM-Tata: Investigating the role of mitochondrial-associated membranes in ALS.



  • Sol J; Obis È; Mota-Martorell N; Pradas I; Galo-Licona JD; Martin-Garí M; Fernández-Bernal A; Ortega-Bravo M; Mayneris-Perxachs J; Borrás C; Viña J; de la Fuente M; Mate I; Biarnes C; Pedraza S; Vilanova JC; Brugada R; Ramos R; Serena J; Ramió-Torrentà L; Pineda V; Daunis-I-Estadella P; Thió-Henestrosa S; Barretina J; Garre-Olmo J; Portero-Otin M; Fernández-Real JM; Puig J; Jové M; Pamplona R

    Plasma acylcarnitines and gut-derived aromatic amino acids as sex-specific hub metabolites of the human aging metabolome.

    AGING CELL 22 -. .


  • Gómez J; Mota-Martorell N; Jové M; Pamplona R; Barja G

    Mitochondrial ROS production, oxidative stress and aging within and between species: Evidences and recent advances on this aging effector.

    Experimental Gerontology 174 112134-112134. .


  • Obis, E; Sol, J; Andres-Benito, P; Martin-Gari, M; Mota-Martorell, N; Galo-Licona, JD; Piñol-Ripoll G; Portero-Otin, M; Ferrer, I; Jove, M; Pamplona, R

    Lipidomic Alterations in the Cerebral Cortex and White Matter in Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease.

    Aging and Disease 14 1887-1916. .


  • Jové M; Mota-Martorell N; Obis È; Sol J; Martín-Garí M; Ferrer I; Portero-Otin M; Pamplona R

    Ether Lipid-Mediated Antioxidant Defense in Alzheimer's Disease.

    Antioxidants 12 -. .


  • Jové M; Mota-Martorell N; Obis È; Sol J; Martín-Garí M; Ferrer I; Portero-Otín M; Pamplona R

    Lipid Adaptations against Oxidative Challenge in the Healthy Adult Human Brain.

    Antioxidants 12 -. .


  • Mota-Martorell N; Jové M; Berdún R; Òbis È; Barja G; Pamplona R

    Methionine Metabolism Is Down-Regulated in Heart of Long-Lived Mammals.

    Biology-Basel 11 -. .


  • Mota-Martorell N; Jové M; Pamplona R

    mTOR Complex 1 Content and Regulation Is Adapted to Animal Longevity.




  • Identificación de patrones moleculares asociados a distintas trayectorias de envejecimiento
  • Insight into the role of lipids in frontotemporal dementia: uncovering pathophysiological alterations and biomarker discovery opportunities.
  • Dynamics of the neuronal, metabolomic and neuropsychological signatures underlying the adptations for motherhood during pregnancy. (babybrain)
  • EFFICACY: Nuevas estrategias para incrementar efectividad de los tratamientos con ABTL0812
  • "Imagenoma de l'Envelliment": Estudi observacional poblacional per definir biomarcadors d'imatge RM corporal integral i òmics que s'associen al procés d'envelliment i a factors de risc biopsicosocial en subjectes adults i que defineixen la seva trajectòria vital cap a un envelliment saludable o bé la fragilitat i discapacitat.