Rui Carlos Vaqueiro De Castro Alves
Grado: Doctor/a
973 702 425
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-5920-2009
Pozo, C.; Miró, A.; Guillén-Gosálbez, G.; Sorribas, A.; Alves, R.; Jiménez, L.
Gobal optimization of hybrid kinetic/FBA models via outer-approximation
Computers & Chemical Engineering 72 325-333. .
Francesc Abella; Assumpció Vilarasau; Josep Cuadrado; Francesc Solsona; Rui Alves; Jordi Vilaplana; Joan Serra
Seguimiento y control de pacientes fumadores en proceso de deshabituación mediante SMS. Una experiencia en e-salud
Revista Espanola de Drogodependencias 4 77-86. .
Vilaplana J; Solsona F; Teixido I; Usié A; Karathia H; Alves R; Mateo J
Database Constraints Applied to Metabolic Pathway Reconstruction Tools
SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL 2014 967294-967294. .
Vilaplana, J.; Solsona, F.; Abella, F.; Cuadrado, J.; Alves, R.; Mateo, J.
S-PC: An e-treatment application for management of smoke-quitting patients
Usie, A; Alves, R; Solsona, F; Vazquez, M; Valencia, A
CheNER: chemical named entity recognizer
Bioinformatics 30 1039-1040. .
Usie, A; Karathia, H; Teixido, I; Alves, R; Solsona, F
Biblio-MetReS for user-friendly mining of genes and biological processes scientific documents
PeerJ 2 -. .
Bai C; Rivera SM; Medina V; Alves R; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas A; Canela R; Capell T; Sandmann G; Christou P; Zhu C
An in vitro system for the rapid functional characterization of genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation
PLANT JOURNAL 77 464-475. .
Abella, F.; Vilarasau, A.; Cuadrado, J.; Solsona, F.; Alves, R.; Vilaplana, J.; Serra, J.
Seguimiento y control de pacientes fumadores en proceso de deshabituación mediante SMS. Una experiencia en e-salud
Revista Espanola de Drogodependencias 39 77-87. .
Guillen-Gosalbez, Gonzalo; Miro, Antoni; Alves, Rui; Sorribas, Albert; Jimenez, Laureano
Identification of regulatory structure and kinetic parameters of biochemical networks via mixed-integer dynamic optimization
Moura A; Savageau MA; Alves R
Relative Amino Acid Composition Signatures of Organisms and Environments
PLOS ONE 8 -. .
Farré G; Maiam Rivera S; Alves R; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas A; Canela R; Naqvi S; Sandmann G; Capell T; Zhu C; Christou P
Targeted transcriptomic and metabolic profiling reveals temporal bottlenecks in the maize carotenoid pathway that may be addressed by multigene engineering
PLANT JOURNAL 75 441-455. .
Salvado, Baldiri; Vilaprinyo, Ester; Karathia, Hiren; Sorribas, Albert; Alves, Rui
Two Component Systems: Physiological Effect of a Third Component
PLOS ONE 7 -. .
- Development of a simulation environment as a tool to support the design of studies and clinical trials.
- METRES (Metabolic reconstruction server, desarrollo y aplicación en el estudio de principios de diseño biológico
- Desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías computacionales integradas para Biología Molecular de Sistemas