Directorio de personas
Rui Carlos Vaqueiro De Castro Alves

Rui Carlos Vaqueiro De Castro Alves

Grado: Doctor/a

973 702 425



  • Lucido, A; Basallo, O; Marin-Sanguino, A; Eleiwa, A; Martinez, ES; Vilaprinyo, E; SORRIBAS, A; Alves, R

    Multiscale Mathematical Modeling in Systems Biology: A Framework to Boost Plant Synthetic Biology

    Plants-Basel 14 -. .


  • Basallo, O; Lucido, A; SORRIBAS, A; Marin-Sanguino, A; Vilaprinyo, E; Martinez, E; Eleiwa, A; Alves, R

    Modeling the effect of daytime duration on the biosynthesis of terpenoid precursors

    Frontiers in Plant Science 15 1465030-1465030. .


  • Eleiwa, A; Nadal, J; Vilaprinyo, E; Marin-Sanguino, A; SORRIBAS, A; Basallo, O; Lucido, A; Richart, C; Pena, RN; Ros-Freixedes, R; Usie, A; Alves, R

    Hybrid assembly and comparative genomics unveil insights into the evolution and biology of the red-legged partridge

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 19531-19531. .


  • Lucido A; Andrade F; Basallo O; Eleiwa A; Marin-Sanguino A; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas A; Alves r

    Modeling the effects of strigolactone levels on maize root system architecture.

    Frontiers in Plant Science 14 1329556-1329556. .


  • Basallo O; Perez L; Lucido A; Sorribas A; Marin-Saguino A; Vilaprinyo E; Perez-Fons L; Albacete A; Martínez-Andújar C; Fraser PD; Christou P; Capell T; Alves r

    Changing biosynthesis of terpenoid percursors in rice through synthetic biology.

    Frontiers in Plant Science 14 1133299-1133299. .


  • Alves, R; Pazos-Gil, M; Medina-Carbonero, M; Sanz-Alcazar, A; Delaspre, F; Tamarit, J

    Evolution of an Iron-Detoxifying Protein: Eukaryotic and Rickettsia Frataxins Contain a Conserved Site Which Is Not Present in Their Bacterial Homologues.



  • Lucido, A; Basallo, O; Sorribas, A; Marin-Sanguino, A; Vilaprinyo, E; Alves r

    A mathematical model for strigolactone biosynthesis in plants.

    Frontiers in Plant Science 13 979162-979162. .


  • Burgos, A; Miranda, E; Vilaprinyo, E; Meza-Canales, ID; Alves r

    CAM Models: Lessons and Implications for CAM Evolution.

    Frontiers in Plant Science 13 893095-893095. .


  • Perez, L; Alves r; Perez-Fons, L; Albacete, A; Farre, G; Soto, E; Vilaprinyo, E; Martinez-Andujar, C; Basallo, O; Fraser, PD; Medina, V; Zhu, CF; Capell, T; Christou, P

    Multilevel interactions between native and ectopic isoprenoid pathways affect global metabolism in rice.

    TRANSGENIC RESEARCH 31 249-268. .


  • Alves r; Salvadó B; Milo R; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas A

    Maximization of information transmission influences selection of native phosphorelay architectures.

    PeerJ 9 -. .


  • Bartolome, J; Alves, R; Solsona, F; Teixido, I

    EasyModel: user-friendly tool for building and analysis of simple mathematical models in systems biology.

    Bioinformatics 36 976-977. .


  • Flamholz, AI; Prywes, N; Moran, U; David, D; Bar-On, YM; Oltrogge, LM; Alves, R; Savage, D; Milo, R

    Revisiting Trade-offs between Rubisco Kinetic Parameters

    BIOCHEMISTRY 58 3365-3376. .



  • Development of a simulation environment as a tool to support the design of studies and clinical trials.
  • METRES (Metabolic reconstruction server, desarrollo y aplicación en el estudio de principios de diseño biológico
  • Desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías computacionales integradas para Biología Molecular de Sistemas