Directorio de personas
Montserrat Gea Sanchez

Montserrat Gea Sanchez

Grado: Doctor/a

973 702 457



  • Pastells-Peiro, R; Espigares-Tribo, G; Gea-Sanchez, M; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E

    The role of nurses in euthanasia: A scoping review



  • Loezar-Hernández M; Briones-Vozmediano E; Gea-Sánchez M; Otero-García L

    Percepción de la atención sanitaria en la primera experiencia de maternidad y paternidad.

    GACETA SANITARIA 36 425-432. .


  • Blanco-Blanco J; Albornos-Muñoz L; Costa-Menen MÀ; García-Martínez E; Rubinat-Arnaldo E; Martínez-Soldevila J; Moreno-Casbas MT; Bays-Moneo AB; Gea-Sánchez M

    Prevalence of falls in noninstitutionalized people aged 65-80 and associations with sex and functional tests: A multicenter observational study.

    RESEARCH IN NURSING & HEALTH 45 433-445. .


  • Acea-Lopez, L; Pastor-Bravo MDM; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E; Bellon, F; Blanco-Blanco, J; Gea-Sanchez, M; Briones-Vozmediano, E

    Job expectations and intolerance to uncertainty of nursing students: Results from a multicentre, mixed-methods study in Spain.

    Nurse Education in Practice 62 103337-103337. .


  • Valenzuela-Pascual, F; Pàmies-Fabra J; Garcia-Martinez, E; Martinez-Navarro, O; Climent-Sanz, C; Gea-Sanchez, M; Virgili-Goma, J; Rubi-Carnacea, F; Garcia-Escudero, M; Blanco-Blanco, J

    Use of a gamified website to increase pain neurophysiology knowledge and improve satisfaction and motivation among students studying for a degree in physiotherapy: a quasi-experimental study.

    BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION 22 389-389. .


  • Briones-Vozmediano, E; Otero-Garcia, L; Gea-Sanchez, M; De Fuentes, S; Garcia-Quinto, M; Vives-Cases, C; Maquibar, A

    A qualitative content analysis of nurses' perceptions about readiness to manage intimate partner violence.

    Journal Of Advanced Nursing 78 1448-1460. .


  • McGilton, KS; Stewart, S; Bethell, J; Chu, CH; Mateos, JT; Pastells-Peiro, R; Blanco-Blanco, J; Rodriguez-Monforte, M; Escrig-Pinol, A; Gea-Sanchez, M

    Factors Influencing Nurse Assistants' Job Satisfaction in Nursing Homes in Canada and Spain: A Comparison of Two Cross-Sectional Observational Studies.



  • Sufrate-Sorzano T; Juárez-Vela R; Ramírez-Torres CA; Rivera-Sanz F; Garrote-Camara ME; Roland PP; Gea-Sánchez M; Del Pozo-Herce P; Gea-Caballero V; Angulo-Nalda B; Santolalla-Arnedo I

    Nursing interventions of choice for the prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviour: The umbrella review protocol.

    Nursing Open 9 845-850. .


  • Pastells-Peiró R; Fernández-Lago H; Rubinat Arnaldo E; Bellon F; Martínez-Soldevila J; Gea-Sánchez M

    Information and communication technologies for the improvement of cognitive function in healthy older adults: a systematic review protocol.

    Bmj Open 11 -. .


  • Climent-Sanz C; Gea-Sánchez M; Fernández-Lago H; Mateos-García JT; Rubí-Carnacea F; Briones-Vozmediano E

    Sleeping is a nightmare: A qualitative study on the experience and management of poor sleep quality in women with fibromyalgia.

    Journal Of Advanced Nursing 77 4549-4562. .


  • Acea-López L; Del Mar Pastor-Bravo M; Rubinat-Arnaldo E; Bellon F; Blanco-Blanco J; Gea-Sanchez M; Briones-Vozmediano E

    Burnout and job satisfaction among nurses of three Spanish regions.

    Journal of Nursing Management 29 2208-2215. .


  • Laza-Vasqueza, C; Rodriguez-Velez, ME; Lasso-Conde, J; Gea-Sanchez, M; Briones-Vozmediano, E

    Experiencia de mujeres con infección prenatal por virus Zika que continuaron la gestación en Colombia.

    GACETA SANITARIA 35 465-472. .



  • The effect of a workplace active pauses intervention on the reduction of cardiovascular risk factors in call center workers: a mixed methods study
  • Xarxa TECSAM Grup de Recerca en Cures de la Salut (GReCS)
  • NextPerception - Next generation smart perception sensors and distributed intelligence for proactive human monitoring in health, wellbeing, and automotive systems
  • La salud circadiana en pacientes ingresados en unidades de cuidados intensivos y de hospitalización (CHRONOHOSPI)
  • Eficacia del programa de ejercicios OTAGO aplicado de forma grupal versus individual en la probabilidad de caídas de personas entre 65-80 años no institucionalizadas
  • ANIMATE (IntergenerAtioNal communIty for coMpAny knowledge TransfEr)