Directorio de personas
Maria Mur Lain

Maria Mur Lain

Grado: Doctor/a




  • Llorca-Bofí, V; Mur, M; Font, M; Palacios-Garrán, R; Sellart, M; del Agua-Martínez, E; Bioque, M; Arteaga-Henríquez, G

    Differences in total and differential white blood cell counts and in inflammatory parameters between psychiatric inpatients with and without recent consumption of cannabinoids, opioids, or cocaine: A retrospective single-center study

    Brain Behavior & Immunity-Health 42 100898-100898. .


  • López-Molina G; Irigoyen-Otiñano M; Mur-Laín M

    Impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of elderly population during the pandemic.

    MEDICINA CLINICA 163 522-523. .


  • Lorca, C; Fernandez-Rhodes, M; Milan, JAS; Mulet, M; Elortza, F; Ramos-Miguel, A; Callado, LF; Meana, JJ; Mur, M; Batalla, I; Vilella, E; Serra, A; Gallart-Palau, X

    Next-Generation Proteomics of Brain Extracellular Vesicles in Schizophrenia Provide New Clues on the Altered Molecular Connectome

    Biomedicines 12 -. .


  • Llorca-Bofi, V; Bioque, M; Font, M; Gich, I; Mur, M

    Correlation between C-reactive protein and the inflammatory ratios in acute schizophrenia inpatients: are they associated?

    Journal Of Psychiatric Research 165 191-196. .


  • Adrados-Pérez M; Llorca-Bofí V; Laín MM; Porcar CA; Nicolau-Subires E; Ibarra-Pertusa L; Jiménez-Mayoral A; Buil-Reiné E; Budny F; Resa-Pérez B; Velásquez-Acebey VG; Arenas-Pijoan L; Irigoyen-Otiñano M; López-Castroman J

    Trajectories of children and adolescents attending a psychiatric emergency unit during the COVID-19 confinements: 2020-2022 longitudinal study.

    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 17 66-66. .


  • Llorca-Bofi, V; Palacios-Garran, R; Rey Routo D; Buil-Reine, E; Adrados-Perez, M; Gich, I; Bioque, M; Mur, M

    High neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio upon admission is associated with better response in psychotic depression.

    Journal Of Psychiatric Research 143 38-42. .


  • Irigoyen-Otinano, M; Puigdevall-Ruestes, M; Mur-Lain, M; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Portella, MJ; Baca-Garcia, E; Lopez-Castroman, J

    Absence of association between the level of lethality and the recidivism of suicide attempts in a Spanish province


  • Mora, E; Portella, MJ; Piñol-Ripoll G; Lopez, R; Cuadras, D; Forcada, I; Teres, M; Vieta, E; Mur, M

    High BDNF serum levels are associated to good cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder

    EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY 60 97-107. .


  • Al Chaal, L; Aedo, A; Reinares, M; Grande, I; Gonzalez, C; Anmella, G; Del Mar Bonnin, C.; Mur, M; Saez, C; Nieto, E; Montejo, AL; Vieta, E; Murru, A

    Predictors of sexual impairment at 6months after a manic episode: A post-hoc analysis of the MANA-COR study

    European Neuropsychopharmacology 29 386-387. .


  • Vicent-Gil, M; Keymer-Gausset, A; Serra-Blasco, M; Carceller-Sindreu, M; de Diego-Adelino, J; Trujols, J; Mur, M; Perez, V; Alvarez, E; Cardoner, N; Portella, MJ

    Cognitive predictors of illness course at 12 months after first-episode of depression

    European Neuropsychopharmacology 28 529-537. .


  • Torres, I; Sole, B; Corrales, M; Jimenez, E; Rotger, S; Serra-Pla, JF; Forcada, I; Richarte, V; Mora, E; Jacas, C; Gomez, N; Mur, M; Colom, F; Vieta, E; Casas, M; Martinez-Aran, A; Goikolea, JM; Ramos-Quiroga, JA

    Are patients with bipolar disorder and comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder more neurocognitively impaired?

    BIPOLAR DISORDERS 19 637-650. .


  • Mora, E.; Portella, M.; Pinol-Ripoll, G.; Lopez, R.; Cuadras, D.; Forcada, I.; Teres, M.; Vieta, E.; Mur, M.

    Neurotrophins, inflammation and oxidative damage as mediators of cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder

    European Neuropsychopharmacology 27 821-822. .



  • Validación de las BP-EVs como una nueva generación de nanovectores para la liberación focalizada de fármacos en el sistema nervioso central
  • Disentangling cliNical, neurObiological, and geneTic correlates of fIrst-episOde maNia in Bipolar. The NOTION Project
  • Assaig clínic de fase III, aleatoritzat, controlat amb comparador actiu, per estudiar l'eficàcia i la seguretat del programa de REMediació Cognitiva Integral (INCREM) en pacients amb Depressió.
  • Marcadores transdiagnósticos de los síntomas cognitivos en los trastornos afectivos / Marcadors transdiagnòstics dels símptomes cognitius en els trastorns afectius
  • Papel de los marcadores neurobiológicos en la disfunción cognitiva y psicosocial en el trastorno bipolar